Check out these FAQs to have some of your questions answered

What's a Self-Reflection?

Your Self-Reflection is a short answer survey that your teachers and counselor use to write your recommendation letters. So, it's important that you put in the effort to make it reflect the best version of you! Submit your Self-Reflection in Google Classroom ASAP for editing.

Why do I need a resume?

Resumes allow you to showcase and elaborate on experiences not mentioned in other places of your college application. They are helpful as a quick summary of who you are as a person, a student, and a leader, not just for college applications but for jobs and scholarships too! Submit yours in Google Classroom for editing!

How do I find the right college for me?

The key to "finding your fit" is to start by asking yourself what's important to you! When it comes to academic, social, & financial fit, what are your "must haves" and your "like to haves"? See our College Search Assignment in Google Classroom and use Super Match in Naviance to help you find your fit.

How many AP/IB classes should I take senior year?

It depends on you. Colleges like to see that you continue to challenge yourself, but not at the expense of your grades. So, take as many AP/IB courses as you can without jeopardizing your mental health or your grades. Talk to your counselor about what's a good balance for you.

Can I submit my test scores after my application? 

YES. You don't have to submit all your application materials at the same time, BUT you do have to submit them all by the application deadline. So, if the deadline is 11/1, your test scores, transcripts, recommendation letters, and application need to be at the college by 11/1.

Do I have to send my test scores?

Always check your colleges' websites to determine if they are test-optional for the 2022-2023 application cycle. If they are not test-optional, you MUST submit test scores.

If your college is test-optional for the 2022-2023 application cycle, you have 3 options:

What if I don't have a test for my college applications?

If your college is not test-optional for the 2022-2023 application cycle, you MUST submit test scores. Meaning, you have to take a test for your application to be considered. Not taking a test will make your application incomplete.

If your college is test-optional for the 2022-2023 application cycle, not testing isn’t necessarily a bad thing. BUT, because of this, you should make sure your other application materials (essay, resume, etc.) are really great! 

How many recommendation letters do I need?

1 - Counselor

1 - Teacher

1 - Teacher/Coach/Boss/etc.

Don't forget, always ask your teachers to write you recommendations BEFORE requesting them in Naviance. Also, check for colleges' recommendation requirements to know how many of each you actually need.  Some colleges require 2 teacher recommendations. If you'd like to request someone not in Naviance, let us know! See the Google Classroom assignment for more details.

How many essays do I need to write?

One, maybe. Whether you choose a prompt from the Common App, the Coalition App, or you come up with one on your own, you only need 1 college essay. You can use the same essay for both. You may write more essays, if you apply to schools not on Common/Coalition App and/or if you apply to honors programs or scholarships. See Google Classroom for Essay Tips.

Will you review my application before I submit it?

YES! DO NOT SUBMIT ANY APPLICATIONS WITHOUT HAVING COLLEGETRACKS REVIEW IT. CollegeTracks is here to make sure your application represents you in the best way possible. We check for grammar, substance, and accuracy in all of your college and scholarship applications.