As an educational institution, Colgate recognizes its responsibility to promote the concept and practice of sustainability among faculty, staff, and students. With increased local to global awareness of the role sustainability plays in governing institutions, and with the understanding that educational institutions must exercise leadership in their communities and beyond to address current and future socio-environmental challenges, it is incumbent on the Colgate community to move towards the most sustainable future possible for our campus and community. We believe that the university’s educational mission provides us with multiple opportunities to foster institutional and educational practices related to sustainability as we determine how to most efficiently and responsibly use, preserve, and renew our institutional and educational resources. 

Comprised of faculty, staff, and students, the Sustainability Council is a collaborative body that promotes sustainability in multiple domains at Colgate.

The Sustainability Council is charged with:


The Sustainability Council comprises faculty, administrators, staff, and students. Membership of the Sustainability Council includes the Associate Vice President for Facilities, the Associate Provost, the Director of Sustainability, and the directors of Environmental Studies and Outdoor Education is continuous. Additionally appointed by the President for three-year terms are three faculty from the Natural Sciences and Mathematics, the Social Sciences, and the Humanities, representatives from Communications, the DOC staff, the Upstate Institute, the Manager of Environmental Health and Safety, and two or more students appointed by the President. This composition will ensure strong ties and close communication among the educational and operational components of the institution. The President may also make temporary appointments to this Council when particular expertise is needed for a specific project. The Chair will be one of the faculty members, elected for a two-year term by council members.