The Sharpie Murder

In the spring of May 2021, John Van Pels, a twenty-one-year-old, black student born in Jamaica, who studied human rights to enter the police department, went to take a break in New York, but what he didn’t know was that he would have the strangest vacation of his entire life.

John V. stayed in a luxurious hotel named Four Seasons Inn. It was owned by a successful 29-year-old woman, Blair Cornelia Waldorf. Blair, commonly known as Bee, is a businesswoman known all over the world for her hotel and her fashion company, Waldorf designs.

The Professional football player Rick Lake, of the team Liverpool, was staying at the Four Seasons Inn for a big game with his cousin, Patricia, that was there to “support” him. Patricia Jung, known as Patty, is a 28-year-old, black woman who worked at MIB. When she got fired, she went crazy, so she started blackmailing her rich football player for money.

Blair and Halo Lea, an optimistic and extroverted New Yorker that is fifteen years old and the daughter of Lisa, Blair’s best friend, were also in the hotel for a vacation and to watch the Champions League game.

A few days later, a horrible and unusual tragedy happened — Patty was found dead on her hotel room floor with a black open Sharpie through her neck. She was bleeding and the floor was completely red.

Since Blair was the owner of the place, she had to take the responsibility and find someone that could solve the crime. All that while taking care of a fifteen-year-old girl, who was interested in this type of action.

The next morning, Blair C. and Halo went to ask the front desk to find someone to help them. Nearby was Rick L., loudly handling his fans and paparazzi.

Some hours later, after sending e-mails to the visitors in the hotel, the front desk found out that John V. was a detective. He was determined to find out who committed this crime. He went to the scene, Patty’s room, and he started looking for some clues. The first thing he found was the dark Sharpie. Then he found her unlocked phone. It was in good condition, with her Instagram open.

John went to Blair to tell her what he had found — the phone and the Sharpie. Right after that, she went to check the surveillance footage, but there was nothing — it had been erased. Halo, being so attentive, did a bit of stalking in Patty’s account, she found out that her cousin was Rick, the famous football player, and she came with him so she could get more followers, money, and fame.

That day, Rick was signing autographs and John noticed that the pen he was using was the same that had been found in Patty’s neck.

He already knew the case was solved, but he needed more evidence, so he found out through a room service worker that Rick had been seen coming into her room that same hour, and that was how he got the evidence.

A few minutes later, while John was looking for Blair, he bumped into Halo, she asked him to tell her what was going on, so he told her the rest of the case and how they knew it was Rick, by joining their information together. Right after that, they called Blair and the police. Rick was taken for questioning and Halo discovered why he did it.

With a bit more research, she found threat messages from her phone. She said that if Rick didn't make her famous until the day of the game, she would kill him, but since he didn't make it happen he killed her because he knew that her mind wasn’t in the right place, and she was capable of anything.

Rick Lake went to jail for murder and John Van Pels moved to NY and became a private investigator with his new apprentice Halo Lea.