The murder of the past

In the city of New York, Brad, the chief of the police, was walking nervously towards DeAndre's house. DeAndre was a famous detective and very determined to find criminals. When he arrived he was direct and clear, “Please help me!” Brad said with a trembling voice, “She died DeAndre… Nancy died”. Tears came out of his eyes and DeAndre invited him to come in and calm down.

After almost an hour Brad was able to talk about what happened:

“Nancy was into some gangs some time ago, but something happened and she decided to change her life and help the police. She was going to tell us everything tomorrow, but we found her dead in an alley this morning. She was under my protection. I will lose my job DeAndre, I need your help, I can pay you later!

DeAndre stopped and said that he didn’t need to pay, he was a friend and he was going to find the murderer. Brad smiled and gave DeAndre an address and an hour to meet the next day.

When he got to the address, Brad was with three men, one looked very bad, like a beggar, the other was normal, and the third was really big. DeAndre asked Brad who the men were.

“The guy with fire in his eyes is Jack, a detective and he is going to help you, the one next to Jack is Dave, he is a friend of Jack, they are always together and the other one here is David, he is the witness, but I can't understand a word of what he is saying.

“He is speaking Spanish, you dumb”. Said Jack with an angry tone.

“Por favor, ¿alguien de aquí puede decirme qué está pasando? David interrupted.

DeAndre was surprised that a guy like Jack could be a detective and speak more languages and also knew that they would have trouble working together. For the following thirty minutes Jack talked to David, and to make it simpler and less cursed, I’ll summarize what David saw.

He was working on the night shift, at an Spanish comic store and started to hear a woman screaming. He was scared, but at that time of the night it was kind of normal (that part of the city was very dangerous). He went to check what was happening. When he got to the alley, he saw a man with a white suit, leaving that dark place. If David had taken any longer to turn the flashlight on, he would have stepped at Nancy’s corpse, he immediately called the police and after that you already know.

Jack translated the story to Dave and DeAndre, they obviously assumed that the white suit man was the killer. Jack asked David if he saw the man’s face, but David said that it was too dark for him to see anything else. The police started to search for anything that could be related to a white suite, even between gangs, but no one could find a single clue.

After almost a month of searching DeAndre found out something about Nancy. All of the gangs she was involved with had something in common, a guy called Geralt, but exactly one day before Nancy died he left the gangs, for no reason. DeAndre called Jack and they went to talk to Geralt.

When they arrived everyone was well received Geralt was wearing a white suit so everyone already thought that he was very suspicious. They talked about the day Nancy was murdered but Geralt said he was alone at his apartment all night and that he had no idea who Nancy was.

Jack, DeAndre and Dave crossed eyes, they knew that there was nothing else they could do so they left.

“Arghhh, this is taking longer than I thought. Jack complained”

“Patience, my friend, patience. DeAndre answered with a thoughtful look in his eyes”

“I’m not your friend”, answered Jack, l”

They went to the police station and asked more about Geralt, and all of the gangs confirmed that Nancy and Geralt were together almost all the time, so they knew Geralt was hiding something. But then Brad came running to the detectives.

“We… We found something! The lights were on! The lights were on… “

Everybody was with a confusing look in their faces but then Brad explained better:

“When David saw the white suit man, the lights were on!”

“This means that we saw who killed Nancy, that little brat!” shouted Jack.

Everyone went to David’s house, when they arrived the first thing Jack said was:

“Sabemos que viste al asesino, ahora ... ¿Por qué trataste de protegerlo?”

“¡Te equivocaste! Nunca quise defender al asesino, solo pensé que tal vez se merece una oportunidad, una oportunidad de cambiar!”

“Defendiste a alguien que mató a una persona que ya se estaba cambiando el culo.”

If you looked at Jack eyes at that time you would be able to see actual fire, even Dave was scared, he never saw Jack so angry. After some minutes talking with David, Jack came to DeAndre and Dave to say that David agreed to help with the statement.

With the statement and the white suit they had enough to arrest Geralt, so they went to the police to get the arrest warrant. At the time the warrant arrived, the police went to Geralt's house, but he wasn't there, they couldn’t find Dave either.

After thirty minutes the police received a call, from Geralt

“I want ten milion euros and a plane to Italy, or David dies”

“Ok Geralt, calm down, where do you want the money?”

“Meet me at seven in the JFK airport”

Then he turned of the call, the tumult in the station started, Brad called Jack, Dave and DeAndre to discuss about this

“Ok, now it’s four and a half, we need to think this queak, anyone have any ideas?”

“I think that me and DeAndre can pretend to collaborate, while Jack came with a team to capture Geralt”

“That’s a good idea Dave but how are we gonna get the money so fast? The government won’t give us that amount so queak”

“Don’t worry, I can solve that”

“Are you sure Jack? There's a possibility that we lose this money”

“Yep, I’m sure, now let’s go!”

Brad told the plan to the rest of the cops and almost all of the cars went to the airport with the money Jack gave and the police called the airport to evacuate and to have a plane ready, everything was settled all they had to do was to distract Geralt so Jack could get him.

When the time arrived Geralt aperad holding David and a gun. DeAndre and Dave came out from the car, they didn’t have enough time to plan what they were going to talk about, but what could go wrong?

“Pass me the money and I’ll land you David, let's make this quick!” shouted Geralt

“Wait, first thel us why you murdered Nancy” Dave started

“Why should I?”

“I don’t know... I’m curious!”

“Arghh, fine I’ll tell you. Almost an year ago I made a plan, so I could leather the world, the problem was that I needed someone to help me and as everyone, I’m alone! So I went to some gangs to find someone to help me and I found Nancy. We started to put my plan in practice, then suddenly she say that she need to talk, that night she told me that she was leaving the plan and was going to tell the authorities, I went crazy, like anyone would, I killed her and this dumbass saw every thing, I’m lucky that he is dum to. Now give me the money, enough talking!”

“Ye, enough talking” said Dave, who threw the bag to Geralt.

At that moment, Jack was already pointing a gun to Gerald’s head, so it was already safe.

“Geralt, let David go and I’ll give you the rest of the money!”’’ shouted DeAndre

“The money first, or this guy dies right now!” Geralt was getting impatient and every second, more and more nervous.

“Okay, okay… here” DeAndre handed the money “Now give us David!”

“Hahahaha, no” Geralt shouted at David and ran away, thanks to Jack’s team he didn’t manege to scape, and was arested for the murder of Nancy.

“So she died because she was trying to change her life and leave the past” said Jack when DeAndre and Dave were at the hospital waiting for David to get out of surgery.

“Yep, but at least we got a potential problem at the future” DeAndre commented

An hour later a nurse came and told them that David died. Jack and DeAndre only looked down but Dave cried, one tear.

For the next few weeks they finished the case and made sure that Geralt was arrested. At the last day they had a last quik talk

“So, how did you get all that money?” asked DeAndre to Jack

“The money was fake, I just put some papers in a bag and boom, just like money”

“hahaha, yep, the power of a piece of paper”

That was the last talk they had, and the last case they worked together, because luckily there wasn’t a case that was hard enough to put both together.