The Betrayer

Lost‌ ‌Heaven,1930, christmas black and cold night, shots can be heard all over the city. The police was divided and controlled by small and big Mafias.

A group of five detectives (Chloe‌ ‌Shepper,‌ ‌‌Cole‌ ‌Quin,‌ ‌‌Anne‌ ‌Hall,‌ ‌Diana‌ ‌and Edgar‌ ‌Rameriz) was called by the government to‌ protect the city and helps murdering cases, about mafias on the city.

The group of the five best detectives of their countries, Cole Quin: a detective who was born in Belfast, observer, organised, but insecure, Anne Hall: a detective who was born in NY, she works in criminal cases. Chloe Shepper: who was born in Europe, works as a detective in criminal cases, is very focused and smart. Edgar‌ ‌Rameriz: a detective who was born in London, he was a normal person but a man killed his family in a car accident. And Diana: a detective who was born in France, her job and dream are to make the world a better place, besides being very cheerful and hard to give up.

When the detectives came to the town, they were surprised about the city, they had not seen anything like it. It was hell in a form of city. At night, can be heard gunshots every time, and at the window of the hotel that they were staying, can be seen bandits robbing others, and citizens were stolen almost everyday. It would take a long time to put this city in order. When they arrived at the hotel, they received a document with the details of the case, read it carefully and decided to go to the crime scene tomorrow morning.

In adding to being called to protect the city, they were also called to solve a crime of murder of five people. It happens in a square. They needed to find more clues as possible to solve this case.

When they went to the crime scene on the other day, they saw that this specific case was very different from the \others, it had almost no clues, and the clues they had led nowhere. So, and only possible way it’s to ask the neiborhood if them heard someone or some noise on the murder night, but the awser was no. But one person said that he saw a black metallic car and two man with black clothes and hooded getting out of the car.

The man who spoke was called Cairo Rians, after reporting the incident he was taken for questioning because he was one of the people who saw something that night, at the questioning he confessed that in addition to having seen the car and the two men of average physical size and blond, also noticed a woman who had a wig that was apparently colored she was so close to the car that it looked like she was also part of the murder of the five people. The detectives later stopped listening to Cairo's testimony and began to create theories that made some sense.

Chloe had a theory that, if analyzed, made a lot of sense. She thought that the five dead people were commoners who were owing money to the Snakes (a city mafia). So the boss charged them and gave them a few weeks, but the five ended up not paying and had their sad end.

Cole believed that the deaths were due to family causes and the mafias were not involved, but this theory was not accepted by the other detectives

Anne, thought that the death of the five people was thought but the people killed are chosen at random, because the Snakes or Tigers give a warning to all citizens of what would happen if they rebel against Them

but these speculations and theories did not get them anywhere. So they decided to put everything and all the evidence they had in a notebook.

They organized:

  • The five were stabbed to death none had digital remnants on the body;

  • Witnesses were two white men with light hair in a black metallic car and a woman with colored hair who was at the next crime scene but did not know how she got there;

  • There was only one clue it would be in any case that it was a small footprint on top of the blood of a shoe from a small store that the shoes were handmade and made to order.

Diana then began to think about what they could do in the first place they would go to this shoe store if they found that they would discover buyers.

As the store was new, there were not many buyers. And they also needed to analyze the black metallic cars that were in town. The city was small so it was easier to analyze all the cars. They divided into groups Cole, Chloe and Anne went to the shoe store and Diana and Edgar went to analyze the cars and ask the police that every time they have a car that followed the characteristics it was to have taken the police station at the same time they would do the search and interrogate the owner of the Automobile.

At the shoe store Chloe began the interrogation with the store owner while Anne and Cole analyzed a list of buyers. First and discarded all women, then discarded all people with small feet then five men were left among them: Robert Davis, John Brown, Ricardo Wilson, Peter Lewis and Cole Quin

“Why didn't you say anything about buying your shoes here? Speaking of which, I never saw you use any!” asked Anne

“Well ... I never imagined that this would be important information, but I did buy a shoe here once.” Cole replied.

“Well, we'll have to analyze you, because you can be a detective but that doesn't stop you from being a criminal!” Anne said in a hard voice

“Okay, I totally understand you Anne, and this is a great point to discuss.”

“GUYS, I'm sorry I screamed, but he unhappily said he doesn't remember any buyers who came here.” said Chloe.

“Okay, we better go see how Edgar and Diana are doing!” Cole spoke going towards a van.

When Diana and Edgar formed the interrogation with some suspects, they had already made their lists of main suspects but they noticed that something was wrong, one of the cars registered under a different name than the buyer name. So they went to report this incident to the others on the team

“Well our searches took like three suspects that would be analyzed legally and we also have a little ‘clue’. Someone bought a car with the name and registered another in the owner's name I think it's cool to investigate it.” told Diana

“Well then tell us who the main suspects are.” said Cole curious.

“Carlos Riley, John Brown and Christian Axel. But the person with the incorrectly registered name is also among the suspects.” replied Edgar

”Okay, we have a suspect in common John Brown better talk and analyze what he has to say.” Said Chloe.

“We better share again. Two to interview this guy and three to see this car business.” said Edgar

“Well the groups can be me and Anne. Cole, Edgar and Diana.”

“Okay let's work” - said Anne.

Diana and Anne went in search for John Brown, but without enough clues, like where the suspect lives, they had to resort to the largest police station in the city. When they arrived, they said the individual’s name and waited for 30 minutes until the cops answered the request.

When finally they arrived, the cops apologized for didn’t find anybody with this name and said that they only found a property away from the city was buyed for a person intitulated “John B.”, maybe an abbreviation of the name. The officers even offered to help with the case any time since the officers saw in the newspaper the crime committed by the mafia. So the detectives asked gently for the localization and went to it.

A few kilometers to arrive, they saw a small farm not so far that could help with the case. Getting there, they asked if there was anyone, no one answered, they clapped and no one answered. They stayed around the farm for a long time, but when they decided to leave, the detectives heard a long and loud animal cry, a cry as if the animal was suffering. Anne, as she is overprotective, both with people around her and the animals, she went running to see what was happening there. they just saw that it was a chicken imprisoned in claws. Anne ran to help, released the animal, and went on.

A short time later, they arrived at the property bought by “John B.”, Anne and Chloe took a complete tour of the house and realized that there was no one in there. They didn ‘t want to break down the door, because if it was a wrong place, they would have to buy another door from the owner, but as they were their only options, they entered the house by force, entering and searching the place a little, found a slate with the whole schemer of crime, which because they murdered random people, it was really for the mobsters, those interests were in killing almost all the detectives, except of one, Cole Quin, the main responsible for the murder, who would hide all the clues of the crime, persuade the detectives, sending them to false locations, to execute them.

After finding out, the three detectives were horrified with the plan and that their friends could be in danger with Quin by their side. The girls pick up all the clues against Cole that took them to an underground under the farm where was the metallic car, beyond the weapons, false documents and the clothes used in the crime. The two girls quickly went to their car and went to the police station.

When the girls arrived, Chloe and Anne find the other detectives sitting on the table talking.

“So… did you find anything?” Said Edgar.

“Yes, and a lot!!” said Anne, with the false documents in hand, besides that we found falsified documents, a board, which is in the trunk of the black metallic car and weapons and clothes used in the crime. After Anne, Diana and Edgar saw the clues, they reached to the same conclusion: Cole planned everything, but he forgot to remove the shoe mark at the crime scene.

“Speaking of Cole, where‘s he ?” Ask Diana.

“Oh, he went downstairs to smoke a cigar, just in time that you arrived… Oh no!”Asward Edgar.

All the detectives quickly went down the stairs of the edifice and saw the car with the board had been stolen. They asked to several people to know if someone knew who was or anything that could help. Many people gave them different answers. But there was an answer that stood out: “it was a strong man, smoking a cigar, wearing an elegant suit, who got into the car that you are looking for and went to the Greengrass street”.

They ran to the Greengrass street and found the black metallic car. The detectives go into the car to check if Quin was in there. He wasn’t. All of them were looking for him, when Anne see a person behind a pillar of someone’s house:

“It’s Cole!” She said.

“You are under arrest for use false documents and for a murder of FIVE people commanded by the Bonamo Mafia!” Said Chloe, appointing a gun to Cole.

Cole was unarmed. He left his gun in the car. He put his hands up and Edgar put handcuffs on Quin, took him, put him inside the officer car and the detectives went to the penitentiary.

The detectives could find the other people involved, not only in this crime, but in others too that also go to the prison.

The government thanks the four detectives to solve the case and find the others that commited a crime too.

And now I can tell you who is telling this story… You probably won’t believe it but… My name is Cole Quin. Yes, the criminal of the story.

After I was released, I turned into a good man and wrote a book about this crime, that for me was the most exciting for me.