Five detectives and one murderer

Chapter 1 - Louis Bethencourt

I am Loius Bethencourt, a very acclaimed French detective. Actually, this story is going to be told by me and my friends. It’s about the biggest and most complicated investigation of our lives.

Suddenly, I woke up. Everything was different, everything was more modern. When I realised what was happening, I went quickly to Roosevelt’s subway station. I needed to be fast, because there was a murderer on the loose around Europe. The station was full of people and, as I ran, I bumped onto someone. All my things fell down: my wallet and also my documents. When I looked up, there was a beautiful lady in front of me. She seemed to be in a hurry, too. But she was very gentle and helped me to get my things from the floor.

‘My God, sorry’, I said.

‘Don’t worry, it’s ok’, answered the woman, while giving me my documents that had fallen out of my wallet.

‘Are you a detective?’ she asked, by seeing my card.


‘Oh! Lots of coincidences! I am one, too!’.

‘Nice, we should meet one day to know each other better’, I invited.

‘Of course…?’

‘Louis Bethencourt’, I told her my name.

‘Louis, nice. I’m Elizabeth Williams. What if we met at Rick’s Bakery?’

‘Ok. I will also need help on my work! So, bye’.


A week later, we met at that bakery.

I couldn’t believe it when I heard: we were looking for the same murderer: the horrible Ethan Murphy!

‘He has killed my mother-in-law, now I can’t stop searching until I find him!’, I explained and then asked: ‘what did he do for you?’ She kept silent for a minute, then answered: ‘he has… he has killed my brother! I will never forgive him for this!!’. I was so shocked and so sad about Elizabeth’s story.

After the meeting, we decided to search for him together. ‘He is probably in London, where the last murder was registered’, she informed me.

‘Ok, so let’s go, we have no time to waste! We are going on the next flight!’.

The next flight was four hours later. We took our things and boarded the plane, without thinking about anything else. We needed to catch him!

Chapter 2 - Jack Lewis

I was walking on the streets of London, just as another usual day in my life as a british spy, trying to find other criminals, until I saw two people running. I went as fastest as possible to talk to them, because I thought it was a suspect way to act. When I found them, I asked:

‘Who are you and why are you running?’ Then, they introduced themselves: ‘I’m Elizabeth Williams’, the girl replied coldly. ‘My name is Louis Bethencourt. I’m one of the best detectives in the world.’

When I heard that name I went into shock. He was one of the people who inspired me to become a spy. I was so confused, how was he here? He was dead. I didn’t understand what was happening, but I wanted to help them. So, I asked if I could do something, and they took me to a private place to talk.

After a long conversation, I discovered that Louis and Elizabeth were trying to find Ethan Murphy, a murderer that I’ve already heard the name of. So, I took my doubt out: Louis was there because he had suddenly woken up here.

To find the murderer, I had the idea to call two friends that could help us. They were Robson Ramirez and Robert Schrumpf, two other great detectives.

Chapter 3 - Elizabeth Williams

‘Hello.’, a man answered the phone call, a little impatient. ‘I am very busy right now, Jack. Can you call me again later?’

‘It’s something very important. I need your help, Robert’, Jack asked. ‘Robson is with you, isn’t he? You two need to come to London, now! It’s an emergency!’

‘We are on our way’, he replied with no excitement.

It took about 3 hours until they arrived, and then it was already dark outside. But we couldn’t wait until the next morning. We needed to find the murderer as soon as possible.

‘We are Robert and Robson. Two detectives and also Jack’s friends’, the guy presented themselves when they arrived. Both were really tall, with dark eyes and hair, and really well dressed

After we all said our names, Jack started telling them everything we’ve already discovered about the murderer, and in sequence told our plan:

‘After some talk and observing him, we found out that he has a standard to choose the victim: he goes to well-known places in the city and observes the little actions of the people in the place. By doing this, he can see the personality of the possible victim. Then, he gets the person that most attracts him. The person that has good reasoning, is intelligent. Now, we already know two places that he probably will be his next attack point. So here is the plan: we are splitting into two groups. Group one will be me, Louis and Elizabeth. We are going to investigate the most famous coffee shop in town. Group two will be Robert and Robson, that will investigate the subway station. If you see something uncommon, call me’, Jack finished explaining the plan and shortly after we left.

We spent almost two hours in the coffee shop but nothing happened, until we heard a noise. It was Jack’s phone, so the other group might have found something. He quickly answered the call:

‘Did you guys find something?’

‘We found Ethan. He shot Robson and went away! You need to come here, now!’

Chapter 4 - Robert Schrumpf

After the shot, I was afraid, desperate! I didn’t know what to do! The only thing I could do was to call Jack and the others detectives that were with him. They arrived in five minutes (the longest minutes in my life!).

When they arrived, I was so shocked that I couldn’t stand up.

‘My God!!’, screamed Elizabeth.

‘Ethan went to the West, please go look for him!’, I said, then informed: ‘Jack and I are going to the hospital’. So, while Louis and Elizabeth were trying to chase Ethan, Jack stayed with me and we went to the hospital.

We left him in the Emergency and went to talk to the doctor. He told us that Robson would get a surgery that could kill him. It was dangerous, but we had to risk it!

As Robson entered the surgery, I received a text message from Louis: ‘We are at the hotel on 5th Avenue. Ethan is hidden in room 273, and we need your help to open the door! Please, come here with Jack.’

A few moments later, Jack and I met Louis and Elizabeth in the Hotel.

‘Oh! There you are!’, said Elizabeth.

‘And Robson!? How is him!?’, asked Louis.

‘Sadly, he has entered a surgery that may kill him…’, replied Jack. Everyone was silent. Everyone was sad about Robson.

So, we went upstairs and tried to open the room’s door, but without success.

‘Go Ethan! We know you are here! Open the door!’, Louis screamed. In the next two minutes, nothing happened. ‘Open Ethan!!’, insisted Louis. And again nothing happened. ‘We need to open on our own. Let's go in the “three”!’, propoused Jack. ‘One… Two… Three!’. When opened, everything was quiet: Ethan wasn’t there!

‘How can it be possible!?’, I asked.

‘I don’t know, but let’s look for something that can help us’, said Louis.

We looked around the room for twenty minutes, then Elizabeth called us: ‘Guys… I found a letter’.

Dear detectives,

You aren’t intelligent enough to catch me! I just want to say I’ll never come back!


Ethan Murphy.”

After that, we finally decided to stop the case, because we wouldn’t find him easily now that he went away. Then, all of us went to the hospital to see how Robson was.

As we arrived there, the doctor came to talk with us. Everyone was nervous, especially me… Robson was my best friend, I couldn’t imagine losing him…

‘Hi, are you friends of Robson?’, asked the doctor, with a sad face.

‘Yes…’, Louis replied.

‘I’m sorry about you, but I have sad news…’. At that time my heart was beating a million a minute.

‘Unfortunately, he didn’t survive the surgery. I’m sorry’. My ground collapsed! I couldn’t believe in what I heard!

We left the hospital in silence. Each of us went to our homes frustrated about the case. I stayed home for about three weeks before looking outside again, because my best friend had died.

I never saw the others detectives again, and I don’t know if or when it is going to happen.