Fast And Furious: Acre Operation.

They went to a hotel to rest, to continue the search in the morning. In the middle of night,someone knocked on the door, they woke up scared, Jucelei get up and opened the door, but nobody was there, just a picture of a church and a note that said ‘I saw him’.They were thoughtful, until they concluded that someone saw him, an FAST AND FURIOUS: ACRE OPERATION.

Ben Katson is one detective that was arrested in one case, because the jury thinks that Katson is the killer, so in the prison he pretends to be dead, in the funeral he runs away and goes to the Acre.

Jackson and Santiago,two policemen,don’t believe that Ben is dead,so they team up to find him. The american police, after being informed that Ben was spotted in Brazil, sent two agents to each brazilian state.

‘Hey Jackson, did you see about the case?’

‘Yes, I saw’

‘It’s good to be informed,because we won’t stop until we find him’

The two policemen went to Acre. They went around the city looking for clues,until they found a fish seller and a client.

‘Excuse me -Jackson said’

‘Hi! Can I help you?’-Jucelei replied

‘Yes! I would like to know if you saw a man named Ben Katson.’

Ben had bought a fish a few hours ago. He wrote a check with your name and handed it to Jucelei.

‘A man with that name came by,I even sold him a fish, didn’t I, Lorena?’

Lorena was the intern of Jucelei.

‘This morning's news was about him,we’re looking for him.’

‘Can you help us,since you saw his face,what do you think?’-Santiago said.

‘We will help!’ - Said Lorena and Jucelei.

They took one lowered Corsa, to drive around town and looking for Ben.They stopped in many places asking about him,but they couldn’t find him anywhere.

‘Where is he!?’-Jackson said

‘We have to look more’-Santiago affirmed

‘I think we have to follow clues’-Lorena remember

‘And we can get into suspicions places’-Jucelei spoke

We can also try to contact him in some ways’-Santiago said

Do wanted to give a clue, but what they didn’t know was that they were being deceived. They decided to go to the church.

When they got there they thought that they didn't have anything, but santhiago joined the angle of the photo and the vision of the church and then the numbers complet himself and created one coordinate.

‘ hey jackson come here see this’ - santhiago saided.

‘ the numbers create one coordinate’ - Jackson realized.

‘ someone is helping us or is kidding if us’ - santiago saided.

In the night katson and he group go in the coordinate, that leave in one florist, there they found one small house made of woods, really slow he knocked on the door, but no one open the door, so destroyed the looked, when they enter he found one mental map of detective in there have proofs of why Katson is innocence.

‘ wait all of the time, katson is innocent’ - Jackson realize.

‘ yes’ - one misterius voice said.

Santhiago and his friends look for the second floor and they see Ben Katson.

‘ So why don't you show the prof for everyone?’ - Jackson asks.

‘ They believe only seeing the real murder’ - Katson said.

‘ And do you know who is already?’ - Santiago asks.

‘ not already but I think it can be someone of your grup, someone has cleaned one part of the church for you don’t find the one but luckily Santiago have seen the photo.’ - Katson said.

So lorena got her knife and hit Ben in the chest, he fell down on the floor and then Jackson got her weapon and shot Lorena.

‘ NO!!’ - Santiago said.

One terrible silence takes the night, on the other day, Santhiago, Jackson and Jucelei tell what happened for the judge, the evidence is the dead bodys on the ground and the church cameras.

Lorena did it all because in childhood was Ben’s enemy,because he stole a rubber from her,furthermore Lorena had a mental problem so she wanted revenge for something silly.