A killer among us

One day, Naomi, , detective that worked for the police, was invited to the London government headquarters for a special assignment with four other detectives who had their identity hidden. They are Josh A. 30 years old, Patrick de Paula, 39, Valen, 25, and Stephen Clay, 27. They were invited to solve the ghost wagon case, but each one had a particular case that they could not solve yet. Two months after the governmental criminal case they decided to meet again to solve their particular cases together, as they had not succeeded before.

Those cases Naomi's father's death, Valen’s grandma's death, Patrick’s friend's disappearance. Stephen's partner's death. The detectives had met in the special London case, so they already had a connection and that connection would help them to solve their cases. After they met, they would have a meeting to elaborate a plan for each personal crime.

After the plan had been approved, the detectives started with the action. The first crime that they started to solve was Valen's grandma's death. They started visiting all the houses that were close to the house where the old lady had died. Later, they saw a lot of documents about the case. last was: connect the But they decided to do this after all the personal cases.

The second case was about Stephen’s ’s death. It happened inside a supermarket. So, they went there and talked with many witnesses and checked the security cameras for a better understanding. They had the clues that they needed to solve that case. So, let’s go to the next.

A few years before all this, Patrick de Paula lost his best friend, Gabriel Menino. a cold night, after they drank a lot at a local pub, each one would go back to their homes, but it been just an attempt and, unfortunately, it was Gabriel's last night. Until today, no one knows what happened,the body has never been found and Patrick suspects that someone has killed him.

The last case is Naomi’s father’s death. It happened in Tokyo, so it was a big trip. When the detectives arrived, the investigation started. The witnesses were the neighbors. Some of them said that they heard some noises at the night of the murder. Fortunately, the street had security cameras. But something strange happened. At the supermarket of Stephen’s partner’s death and the street where Naomi’s father die there were security cameras.. The two of them showed the same person going out of the building. When all the cases were over, they realized something that they had not noticed before. A clue that linked all the cases together which they had ignored. The clue led the detectives to suspect Josh as the murderer of all, so they decided that no one was going to show that clue to Josh and they would investigate him secretly, to discover the truth. After days of investigation.They discovered something that was interesting and suspicious about the suspect… He had been planning a trip to get out of London for some weeks and they did not have much time to get him before he got out of the London

The detectives were suspicious about him because the security cameras had caught the murderer’s face, but the image quality was too bad. So until that moment, they weren’t sure about who the murderer was, but they were very suspicious aboutJosh. At the public pub and the house where Valen’s grandma died, the witness said something that caught the attention of the detectives: the same description that fits perfectly the features of Josh’s body and the man they had seen in the security cameras. Josh was planning something with this trip. The cases were connected! They had finally discovered something, but they had a problem: finding the murder… theirfriend. They made a decision: arrest Josh. The only problem was that he was out of the country.

When they made this difficult decision, Josh had already left England, so it took about one year to find him. When they found him in South Africa, Naomi had an idea. The detectives would tell Josh that they had made wrong decisions and that accusing him was wrong. Josh would think that the real killer had been caught. But it was a trap. So Josh believed it, and he was arrested.

After Josh was arrested, the detectives asked him some questions. One of these questions was: why did he kill all those people? His answer was simple: “Because my parents had a business inside the city and one day, a commercial group arrived there. They started a big business of their own, and this affected my family, leaving them without money. I killed them, to recover what my family and I had lost. I wanted to return all the pain I suffered for not being able to go to some school or a good university and other things.

When all these problems with Josh had been solved, all the detectives went back to their original cities, and to their original works; but first of all ofthem decided that once a year, they would see each other to solve other interesting cases.

But one little thing the detectives forgot was to get in touch with Josh's family and friends, and to make sure that nobody would help Josh escape from prison….