The Murder House

In the morning of 1962 in California, Julie, a famous actress, went to a detective office. She was very scared and very afflicted. She asked for help, but she could barely speak. Jake, a new detective, asked her to sit down and have a cup of water. After she calmed down, they asked her to tell them what was happening.

“I was sleeping when it happened, I heard a sound and I didn’t know what it was, the noise came from downstairs, so I turned around to see if my parents heard the noise too but he wasn't there. I was scared and I ran to see if my sisters were ok, but when I got there they were all, all dead.”, she told them.

“Do you know where your parents were?”

“No, I went looking for my sisters because I was afraid if the person was still there.”

“Julie, you have to calm down. I’m going to your house in a bit, but in the meantime, I have to know where you were exactly and where your sisters were.”

“Well I was in my room, but my sisters were in their rooms, my husband was supposed to be with me but he wasn’t.”

“Julie we will go to your house after and then you will explain to us everything and where they were.”

After some hours, the detective and their group went to Julie's mansion with her…

Getting there, Julie explained where the people and things were that night, and the detective just listened.

“You need to know who did this jake!”, Juliet shouted

Jake just listened.

“Julie, I'm going to call some friends to help me solve this case in the meantime stay calm.”

After ten minutes, Maya and Matt arrived. They are great and experienced detectives that work at the police station. Jake explained everything to them and how the case was going. Maya thought that something was off and that they were missing something.

Look guys this just doesn't make sense, because why would they all be dead except Julie? We have to think this clearly, and why would someone kill all of her family except for her and why there’s a missing body and all of the rest is her.

Maya this clearly doesn’t make any sense, let’s talk to Julie again and see if there’s something that she didn’t tell us.

Julie, do you know something that you aren’t telling us?

All you need to know is that, well… My husband had business with big people, from other countries, important and very rich people. He had problems with them last week, but he didn’t tell me what it was.

Julie we are going to look around the house and if anything comes up we will let you know!

The detectives went looking for clues in the house when they heard a weird sound coming from the floor.

“There’s someone here because Julie said that there were secret passages around the house but there's a hall that leads downstairs.”

When they got there they saw someone in the house; a new person. They didn’t see well who it was, but they also saw a coat of arms from a French mafia.

They went after the person but they couldn't catch him because he kept using all of these secret passages and the detectives didn’t know the house, so they had to go back and call for Julie.

Julie, we need your help. There's a person in the house and he is using all of these secret passages. Could you please tell us where he is leading now?

He was downstairs, in a place that had a gray wall, right?


So he’s probably going to the safe. That’s where my husband kept all of his things, like guns, money, and some precious stuff, too.

Could you tell us how to get there?

Sure. You have to go downstairs, take a left, get a book that has a green cover and then it will lead you to a vault If he knows the code, he is probably inside now, but if he doesn’t, he is trying the possible codes.

The crew of detectives went downstairs, got the green book, and immediately a door opened on the place that the bookshelf was and it leads to a hall. At the end of the vault, there was a door - a door made of gold. It was beautiful and very heavy. It was also open, which meant that the man was inside.

Whoever you are, come out now!

I am here with a mission, a mission to kill the only person left in this family. Julie Garlet!

Why would you want to kill her?

Her husband was involved with some dangerous people - people that have a power that no one understands. Her husband tried to leave without telling anyone, but he knew that if he left he would be in danger for the rest of his life.

So why did you kill everyone and why would you want to kill Julie?

Her husband left something for her in this volt that belongs to us. it’s a contract that, if she signs it, it will cause damage on the organization. So I’m here to eliminate her and to take the contract.

"Stay away from her!" - Jake said

Everyone there was shocked. The man grabbed a gun and said to all of them: stay away from my path and I won’t kill you”. The man took everyone with him and went after Julie.

After he got upstairs, he went to her room and she was there. Julie stood still and the man was pointing his gun to her head. He was about to pull the trigger when Jake took a gun of his colder and shot the man’s leg. He fell to the floor, and the detective asked:

Where is your boss and what is his intention ?

His name is Ricardovolo. He is from Paris and he wanted to kill all of Julie’s family. He is also a very rich man.

Thank you, that was really helpful. I’ll see you in hell.

When Jake said that he killed the man and the case was ended, Julie thanked the detectives.

“Julie, we will go for Ricardovolo after this. Don’t worry, he won’t bother you again”.