The Case of Charlie

In a big house in New York lives two brothers called Charlie Beck and Josh Silva. They live in a rich place with very famous people. Josh Silva is a gamer that streams at a platform called Twitch with 23 years, he uses very expensive clothes, he has red hair and every day he plays 12 hours of video games. Charlie beck is a famous dancer that started being famous after making dance videos on tik tok, she was 16 years old, after earning money on tik tok, she has a career on this app, having more than 20 million viewers per vid

One day a new named Indra devi was at school, he was in the same class as Charlie beck. Charlie even with a lot of fame, she was a very nice person, so she had a little talk with Indra Devi during lunch time. Indra devi talked to her that he lived in a small city and that he don’t have family, but in the middle of the conversation, she wanted to impress Indra Devi, so after talking about personal things, she started talking about she’s career, saying that she is rich, famous, have a lot of viewers and that she lives in the richest place of New York, at that time charlie saw that he wasn’t liking the conversation, so she moved away to she’s class.

After that, the class finished. Josh Silva was waiting for Charlie to go home. When she arrived, they entered the car and drove home. On the way at home Charlie started talking about Indra devi, saying that he didn’t like her. When they arrived home, Charlie started doing she’s things, making videos at Tik Tok and seeing she’s emails, and Josh Silva started his live at Twitch, playing video games. When it was 7p.m they had dinner, and after that, at 9 p.m, they went to sleep.

The next day, Josh Silva and Charlie Beck woke up, had breakfast and went to school.At this day Charlie was going to a small town in the forest as a school trip. When she arrived at school, the bus was waiting for her and everyone in her class was on the bus, so she runned quickly at the bus and sat next to she’s best friend Emily Conner.The bus started to drive. When they arrived at the town, the instructor said “Hello everyone, My name is Natalie I am going to be your instructor on this trip. Everyone double will receive a key, this is the key of your room, so take care of it. Now everyone goes to your room, keeps your things and then everyone goes to the restaurant to eat.” Charlie and Emily went to their room and kept their things. After that, they went to the restaurant, put on their food and sat together.At this time Charlie and Emily started laughing at Josh Silva because he was alone, so he looked angrily at them and they stopped. When they finished eating it was 8 p.m, so everyone went to their rooms, took a shower and went to sleep.

The next day, Emily woke up and said “good morning Charlie”, but nobody answered, so Emily got out of the bed and saw Charlie’s bed smeared with blood and Charlie was dead. Emily runned immediately to the instructor room and shouted “ Natalie !!!! Help!!!!!! “, she opened the door surprised and accompanied Emily to her room, when Natalie saw Charlie she immediately started calling the police. After calling she remembered that the city didn’t have police, so she said to Emily “ we don’t have police officers in our city, what are we going to do ?!”, Emily started to cry and Natalie was trying to find someone to help them. After 30 minutes, Natalie found a Detective and called him, the detective said that he was coming and he would be there in 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes, the detective arrived. Natalie accompanied him to Emily’s room, at the way the detective said that his name is Mathieus Pipper and Natalie said “ I was sleeping in my room and Emily started shouting for help, so a opened the door and started following her to her room, and when I entered, Charlie’s bed was smeared with blood and with Charlie dead”. When they arrived at the room, Mathieus Pipper started to analyze the case. After 1 hour analyzing the room, Mathieus Pipper found a piece of black hair, so the first thing that he did was to Natalie call all of the classmates with black hair to him. All of the students were confused, Mathieus analyzed everyone, he made a lot of questions, but nobody was the murder in his mind. After that he asked Natalie if every student with black hair was there, but she discovered that Indra devi wasn’t there, she started searching for him, Indra devi was watching TV alone in his room, Indra went to talk to the detective, really nervous. The detective made some questions that made Indra angry, Indra wasn’t liking to talk about Charli. After a long talk with the detective he admitted that he killed charlie.

When this talk finished Josh was arrested, and when the trip finished Natalie explain what happened to Josh Silva.