Gossip Girl’s murder

Good morning Manhattan! We’re back in another winter and snowy morning. Today, I'll put our gossip aside and talk about one of my favourite stories in the world.

It all began when Allison, known for the murder of her abusive ex-husband, after that she stayed in prision for almost five years, and when she left, she promisse that she would do justice for all the women who’ve been through for the same she had. And Kiara, who was the daughter of Sherlock Holmes, but she didn’t get the attention that she deserved from her dad, and this turns into an anguish that she couldn’t control, so Kie turned into a murderer to call her dad’s attention and to free this anguish.

Both girls met here, in New York. Kie’s mysterious temperament attracted Allison and they’ve been best friends since then. Kiara with the fame of the biggest murder and Alisson with fame of vigilante.

In 1910 when the biggest harasser of that time was on the loose and more than 1.000 women had already been his victim, Kiara and Allison, big friends, didn’t accept this injustice and decided to work together to make justice for those thousand women who would carry that trauma for the rest of their lives.

“We gotta do something! The only way to stop crimes is to nip them in the bud! I guess we have to end all the possibilities of him doing that again.” exclaimed Kiara.

“ I’m with you. I think it’s time to search for another victim of our’s “ said Allison mysteriously.

And they spent months through the state looking for the guy. They chased him to know his routine, what he did, what he didn't do, waiting for the best time to kill him. And finally found him in Brooklyn in an alley. That was the moment...

“ Well, well, well… It’s such a pleasure to find you here!” said Allison ironically

”Hm… I don’t know what’re you talking about” whined the harasser

“ I’m sure you know what we’re doing here “ explained Kie spinning the gun in her finger

“ Please don’t do this! “ said the harasser with scary in the eyes

“ Why don’t? Didn’t you do anything? Oww sooo I think I won’t do anything with you. “ said Kie with sarcasm

“I’m serious, I never meant to do that with all those women” complained the harasser.

Alisson got the gun out of Kiara’s hand and took a shot in his chest, they both ran away as fast as they could, after the body was hidden, then Kie went to Alisson's house so anyone would suspect they were the murderers.

Cops were called in the alley, but anyone knows or has any idea of who did this. They spent months on the case to have any result. Without hope they closed the case, without any suspect.

Months passed, when Patrick and Bruno, both cops, continued the search for the murder. They went in all the houses in Brooklyn, around the crime scene, asking what people were doing in the night of the murder. They passed the rest of their lives searching for a murder but they never found. The girls killed the harasser, and never took the blame. Why? Because in this time the society was very sexist, and never thought that a girl could kill a man, or that kind of justice would be done for the thousand victims of that guy.

“ Sent “ said Sarah when she uploaded the story on Gossip Girl’s blog

“ MOM! I’m going out with Barb! “ yelled Sarah.

“ Ok sweety have fun.”

That day, I never thought my life would change so hard. We were on our way to the fanciest party on the upper east side, all those rich and fancy people were there, me and Barbara were looking stunning, she's been my best friend since we were born.

The party was at the Empire Hotel, one of the most expensive places to spend a night in NYC. There was decoration all over the place, the cutlery and plates were all gold and I saw the prettiest dresses in my life.

At that point i didn’t expect to see what I saw, I thought me and Barb were living Allison and Kie’s story, the same way it happened in 1910, the most disgusting scene I’ve ever seen, an old man was trying to rape a girl in front of us, and we really had to do something to end that.

After thinking a lot, we decided to attract the attention of the man right up to the rooftop of the hotel, so we could give him a lesson. Me and Barb had to fake we were drunk so the harasser could see us as easy targets, then we ran up laughing and dancing with the guy on our back. When we got there he tried to take our clothes off, so we acted! Barbara took a fork out of her dress and pricked him, meanwhile I was finding a way to take him delicately to the edge of the building, and I did it.

From now on you can imagine what happened, this old gross man had the same end as the harasser in 1910, also like the story I told you, the cops didn’t discover we were the murderers, the good point is that we stopped him for doing bad things with innocent women forever right?

XOXO, Gossip Girl.