The Search

Giulia, the trustworthy, golden-haired Californian girl with blue eyes, and Stephanie, the dark-haired young woman with big hazel eyes, were friends a long time ago. The latter was the daughter of Dr. Watson, the famous investigator. As a great friend, Giulia gave Stephanie her power, so they could live and be together sharing experiences forever. But as an ambitious person, she wanted more of her friend’s power. She wanted to be the only one to be immortal. So, Stephanie tried to take her friend’s life, but she couldn’t because Giulia was an immortal person. Since then, they grew apart and have never seen each other again.

In 1903, the two of them lived in a dark and poor street in London. One day, on a rainy night, Stephanie came home wet and with a scared frightened expression stamped on her face.

“Giulia, the Skull is trying to kill me!” she said.

With a confusing expression, Giulia asked why the gang Skull was trying to do something so brutal.

“I owe them money, but I swore to them I was going to pay them back,” Stephanie replied.

“How much?” Giulia said.

“600.000 Pounds!” Stephanie mentioned

Shocked and worried about her friend, Giulia said she would try to help her, but it was almost impossible to raise that amount of money in some hours.

“But there is something else you can do.” - Stephanie said.Give me some of your power, so then they can’t kill me for now.”

“I don't think that is a good idea. It’s just a gang, we should call the police.”

“No! they said that if we involve the cops, they will kill both of us!

“But what do I have to do with it? I’m just your friend. I don’t owe them any money! ”

“Actually, I told them you were with me. I am sorry! I am so sorry.”

“Why would you do that, are you crazy? I have nothing to do with it!”

“When they threatened me, they were looking for you. I told them I had no idea. They asked for 600.000 Pounds, I had no idea I couldn't get it in time. Sorry, Giulia!”

Thankful for her friend’s supposed act of kindness but also scared of what the future held for them, Giulia said that she would give Stephanie a small part of her power just to protect them from the Skull. Giulia told her to stay at home so the power could penetrate her body correctly.

“All right, then we have to move fast!” Stephanie replied.

“Where is their hideout located?” Mentioned Giulia.

“Southside Giulia. Do you really want to go alone? They might kill you!”

“I can take care of this by myself and you need to rest,” said her.

An hour later, Giulia was running to the Skull’s hideout to surrender. It was not fair to let an amazing friend like Stephanie suffer so much because of her. When she got there, she came across many red skulls on the wall, like tattoos. It was a smelly and dark place. She was scared but committed to what she went there to do.

“I am Giulia. I am the one you want. You can have me but don’t hurt my friend Stephanie, please do not hurt her.” she said with a terrifying expression.

“Hurt your friend Stephanie? Stephanie Watson? ”

“Yes, why?”

“She is the one who is going to hurt you.”

At that moment, the man started talking and the truth came out.

“Your dear friend was the one who asked us to kill you, your friend bribed us for doing that so she could have all of your power. But guess what, she didn’t pay us back.” said the angry men.

When Giulia heard that, she knew that the man was, unfortunately telling the truth. Stephanie was acting so differently lately, and all of those excuses to have her convinced that they were in danger. At that devastating moment, Giulia only could think of one thing: her power.

When she got home, Giulia found Stephanie lying on the couch reading a book, as if nothing had happened.

“Hey, Giulia! So how did it go? Did they hurt you?” said Watson.

“Why have you done this to me? I thought you were my friend. I trusted you!”

Pale, Stephanie pretended that she didn’t know what Giulia was talking about.

“Why are you saying that to me? Did they say something bad to you? Tell me, you can trust me Giulia.”

When Giulia heard that her face turned red, she slapped her in the face with allher strength.

“Trust me? How dare you say that after everything you have done to me!”

“Shut your goddamn mouth! You have always been the perfect one, the special one and I am just your friend.” Shouted Stephanie on the ground after being slapped.

“God! How can you say something like that? That is not true!”

“Oh isn’t it? When we walk on your street you are always the center of attention and I am nobody aside from you.”

Giulia started crying painfully.

“I was going to let them kill myself to protect you, to not let my best friend suffer. For what? You stabbed me in the back!”

While hearing that, Stephanie started walking around their house, heading to the kitchen. When she got there she held a knife.

“You, Stephanie Waston are a shrew!”

Stephanie held the knife with all her anger, and attacked Giulia, with the intention of killing her.

Giulia could, fortunately, dodge the blow.

“You cannot kill me, I am immortal, something you aren’t. You are losing this game if you try to kill me.” Warned Giulia.

Frightened, Stephanie opened the door and ran away from that little house.

“Don’t you dare look for me again!” Screamed Giulia when her ‘friend’ was already gone.

After that moment of anger, Giulia started crying compulsively.

And since that March 19th, they never saw each other again.

117 years later…

Giulia Davies was living in Orlando, Florida, in the back of a snack bar named “Side Street”, where her new best friend Dixie (...) worked as a waitress. She also had a boyfriend named Blake (...) a real estate realtor, and a secret job as a spy, which only Dixie would know about.

Dixie was a golden-haired 23 year- old girl who is a waitress.

On March 19th, 2020 Giulia was summoned to investigate a crime of murder.

“Dixie, I am living for a while for work. “ said Giulia.

“Oh, no problem, if Blake asks for you, I’ll tell him you went shopping.”

“Thanks! Have an awesome day friend!”

“You too friend!”

When Giulia got into her agency’s hideout, she headed to her boss’s office.

“I am here Mr. Calvin,” she said.

“Good, we will be needing you to investigate a crime of murder for us, would you do it?” said Mr. Calvin.

“Yes, for sure.”

“Good. So I will meet you at the briefing room to present to you all the details about this case,” mentioned Giulia’s boss after leaving the room.

Half an hour later, Giulia was at the briefing room, when her boos grabbed a chair and sat in front of her.

“Yesterday, 11 p.m a man identified as Isaac was thrown of a bridge for owing money to a casino. We need you to find who did it. Meet with us at the crime scene.” replied Mr. Calvin

When Giulia got to that bridge, she found a dead body with a skull drawn with blood. At that moment, she recognized that mark. It was the mark drawn at the gang’s hideout.

“Stephanie!” said her.

“It is impossible, she can’t be alive. Can she?” thought her.

When Giulia got at the dinner, she found Dixie working.

“Dixie, do you know some Stephanie Watson?”

“Stephanie? She owns the skull casino.”

“Skull? Oh, holy crap...”

Giulia spent all night reflecting on what to do, but she knew that there was only one solution: meeting Stephanie.

The next day, Giulia went undercover to the Skull casino to find Stephanie. When she got there, there was a red skull drawn on the wall that was familiar. She went with sunglasses and a black hat so Stephanie wouldn't notice her.

“Hi, I am Sophia Lima. I would like to gamble,” said Giulia, undercover to Aldrich Brown the co-owner of the casino, boyfriend of Stephanie.

“Great, the gambling tables are right there.” mentioned the skinny and tattooed man.

Giulia started playing, and she saw Stephanie coming out behind the bar counter.

“She hasn’t changed a thing!” noticed Giulia.

Their eyes crossed, and Stephanie came to talk to Giulia.

“Do you need anything?” Said Stephanie holding a black bag.

“I’m fine.”

For making her plan work, Giulia had to make them friends, refreshing their old times together. Half an hour later, the two of them were laughing and talking at the bar. Stephanie took Giulia to her office so she could get her phone number. When they came in she waited for Stephanie to turn and locked the door. She took out her hat and glasses, Stephanie was in shock, she could believe that she found Giulia again.

“I need you to answer me some questions…- said Giulia- about the death of Isaac.

“No way!” answered Stephanie.

“Tell me or I’m calling the cops.” pointed Giulia.

“What do you want me to tell you?” said Stephanie.

“Why did you kill him?” said Giulia.

“I don’t know what you are talking about, Giulia.”

“Come on. You know what you have done, so confess your crime, or I’m calling the cops right now!”

What Stephanie didn’t know was that the cops were silently waiting for her outside.

When Giulia was going to get a pen and paper to collect Stephanie’s side of the story, Watson got her bag, unlocked the door, and ran to the rooftop. Giulia didn't think twice, she ran after her. When they got there, Stephanie dropped her bag and started to get very close to the balcony, Giulia got scared.

“What are you doing?” said Giulia.

“I just wanted you to know that I always loved you, and I never forgot you. Even though…”

“Why are you saying those things?”

“Even though the mistakes I made in the past I am so grateful for the years that we spent together and for everything you have done to me, even though I didn’t deserve any of that.”

“Why are you saying that Stephanie?”

“You are the only person who ever cared for me. Thank you. Thank you for everything you have done and for making me feel special for once in my life.”

“Get off that balcony! Why are you there?”

“Because I can’t take it anymore, I have ruined too many people’s lives and now I have to pay!”

“Goodbye Giulia.”

Stephanie troughs herself off the balcony.

Giulia couldn’t believe her eyes. the woman who tried killing her had changed, however died too. She grabbed Stephanie’s bag and ran away from that casino with tears going down her eyes and was never seen again. It was the end of one more March 19th.