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Everything was alright in the house arrested family, The Northways. Lais and Julyanne were happily playing with some knives on a very hot day, when they went to the kitchen and searched for some ice cream - a chocolate flavored ice cream that they had bought the past few days. When Lais opened the supposed ice cream bowl, there was nothing inside.

“Did you eat it?” - Whispered Julyanne.

”Of course not! I wouldn’t do it without you…” - Lais answered.

“Ok… so we will find the culprit…”, she said, picking up a knife. They went to the living room and sat on the centered armchairs.

“MAMA, DAD, GRANDPA” - they yelled, and that sound echoed through the house.

“What happened girls? Is everything alright?” - Said Alessia, their mother.

“Someone stole our ice cream” - Lais said carefully.

“Oh… so you two are going to discover who did that, right?”, she said excitedly. “It makes me go crazy!”

So the two sisters asked:

“Father… Did you eat our Ice cream?

“No.”,e said seriously.

“So if it wasn’t you, who else could it be? Because hours ago we saw you in the kitchen near the fridge…”


“I’m sure it wasn’t him… He was looking for bread in the kitchen when I saw him there…” — Their mother said.

“Grandpa?” — asked Lais

“Nope… It wasn’t me.” —He said. He was a little nervous, and Lais realized it because of his sweaty neck. She took a step and looked at him with narrowed eyes.

“Are you sure..? Grandpa…” — She said slowly. He adjusted the collar of his shirt and looked to the opposite side. Lais looked at Julyanne and made a confirmation sign with her head warning that they had a suspect. Julyanne looked at her mother and raised an eyebrow. “We are going to find out who did that… Even if this is the last thing I do…” The girl thought. Lais took Julyanne’s hand and ran to the bedroom.

“How are we going to discover who did this…?”

“I have an idea…” — said the dark haired girl. “We should use a little bit of baby powder and get their fingerprints, and then we compare with the ones we find on the fridge superficie…

“That’s a really great idea… But how will we save the digitals?..” —She said curiously

“Tape, of course…” — July said, making it look obvious. Lais went to her grandpa’s bathroom and picked up his baby powder and ran back to her bedroom. She saw July sitting on the floor with scissors, when a weird noise came from the hall. They stood up and the tallest girl, Lais, took her little knife from her pocket and pointed it to the direction. While the smallest one took the scissors and hid it in her back. A lovely voice came from the kitchen. The noise started to come closer. It looked just like something falling, many many times. They hid behind the door and looked at the hall attentively. The lights were turned off…

After one minute, the lights were turned on and the noise stopped. Silently they went to the kitchen, and when they got in there, the ice cream was on the floor, all of it. July’s face changed overnight, bringing a strange feeling to Lais. Her eyes were now with a form of anger, and at the same time, determination.

“Now, this is serious…” —She said looking at the floor with a weird smile.

Lais took the baby powder and a small brush spreading it out on the Ice cream’s pot superficie. With a tape, July got two different digitals in the same place.

“That’s weird…” — Said the blonde girl

“No, it isn’t.” — Said the brunette — “did you forget that our family is literally formed by murderers, hackers and experienced thieves? This was probably made to confuse us…” — a laugh was heard and Lais threw her knife in the same direction. Nothing was hit. Silence. Not even a deep breath was heard. They were alone… or that was what they thought.

Using a little more powder, they got some fingerprints from the fridge door. Separating them, they noticed some similarities between them. They took the family documents and saw that their fingerprints were knocking. ALL OF THEM.

“wow… WAIT! HOW CAN WE BE ALONE IF OUR FAMILY IS STILL UNDER HOUSE ARREST?” — Julyanne thought loudly. Lais opened the door and noticed that someone was hiding behind them. She walked a little bit on her back and kicked the air.

“Hey.” — Their father said in a deep tone of voice after being hit. — “What are you two doing?”

“YOU ATE OUR ICE CREAM AND LIED TO US” — July said indignantly. Vai smiled proudly, turned back and walked slowly to the kitchen. They went forward with him, and when they got there, everything was fine. The ice cream was still in the fridge, the dog sitting beside it, their mother and grandfather next to the door and their father standing up looking at them.

“Congratulations. You passed the test.”

“But what was the answer? Who was laughing? What was that noise? WHO REALLY ATE OUR ICE CREAM AND TRIED TO SCARE US?” — Alessia smiled and tried to hold her laugh.

“Who do you think?” — She answered. — “not everything has a right answer. You found out what you wanted, the mystery was solved. and the only thing you got for that was ice cream. And yet, the price of doubt…”

The end