Broken Family

Chapter one

Matheo, a sixteen year old boy from a farm in Ohio, decided to take the opportunity to live in the city with his aunt. Moving from his hometown in the countryside would make him happier and closer to accomplish his dream of becoming a famous person. Los Angeles is where his aunt lived, Jane was an adorable woman who was extremely excited to see her nephew again after a long time. She was baking a cake when the doorbell rang. From the outside of the door, Matheo could feel the smell of chocolate cake, which was his favourite.

Is aunt opened the door:

“Hi my little neph! I missed you so much, you are so tall!”,she said excitedly.

”Oh yes, I am happy to see you again too..”

“Come in, darling, I am just waiting for my boyfriend Madison. He is a teacher at UCLA. I am sure you will like him”

The boy entered the living room cramped with old furniture. He sat at the table and started staring at his aunt’s leg, wondering if it still hurt since her terrible car accident. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. At the same time, Jane claimed that the cake was ready and asked him to let Madison enter. “Good afternoon, little man..You must be Matheo. Nice to meet you. Jane talks a lot about you!”

Matheo realized that the man was at least ten years older than his aunt.. He had white hair and a big nose, and his expression looked mad, but it was clear the guy was in a good mood today. “Nice to meet you too”, he answered. At this moment, it came to his mind that this man would be a problem as big as his aunt was.

After eating, they all went to sleep in the tiny room in the corner of the corridor. Matheo couldn’t wait to put his well-architectured plan into practice. He had been waiting for that moment for almost 3 years.

At sunrise, Matheo was already awake.He put his clothes on quickly and went to the kitchen as quiet as a mouse. He opened the fridge and saw two water bottles.He supposed that those belonged to his aunt and her strange boyfriend. When the fridge closed, he had done what he wanted and went outside the house to explore the city.

Jane and Madison woke up thirty minutes later and went to the kitchen to have breakfast. Matheo had not mentioned that he would go out and Jane was concerned about it. Madison told her to calm down because the boy wasn’t a child. They started arguing about it and Madison left Jane’s house furiously. Aunt Jane ran after him hoping to arrive at the university as soon as possible so they could have a conversation.

Chapter two

Addison and Dana are two students in UCLA. The first was studying to become a detective. She was really curious and intelligent. The latter was taking a course at this university. She was a senior at New Heaven’s high school and wanted to be accepted into Yale. Both became friends really fast.

Like any other day, they arrived at the university together. Walking through a lounge, they found a middle-aged woman lying on the floor. As they ran to help her, Addison realized the woman was her teacher’s girlfriend, and she was dead. They immediately called the police.

The girls were shocked and horrified. The police officers were sure that Jane was murdered and one of the forensics officials said that she had been poisoned. Addison started wondering how a horrifying situation could happen in the middle of her university. She needed to investigate it, and she knew she could rely on Dana to help her.

First, they asked Madison about what had happened that morning. He answered in a very calm way: “We woke up at six am. Her nephew wasn’t home, so we had a fight. I told her to leave the boy alone because he is already a grown kid, but she was too worried to listen”.

“What is his name?”, Addison asked.

“His name is Matheo. He might be fifteen or sixteen. He arrived yesterday afternoon. He is a good boy, in spite of being really quiet”.

“Do you know where he is now?”, Dana asked.

“I have no idea, but I am trying to contact him and give him the notice. When I find him, I will tell you girls”.

The girls found the way he was talking really weird. It was too calm, he seemed to be fine with what had happened. Dana started searching for information about the boy but she didn’t find anything.

Addison received a message from Madison, saying that Matheo was at a cafeteria really near to the university. The young detectives went there and saw a skinny and pale boy. He looked upset, probably because of his deceased aunt.

“Hey Matheo! My name is Addison and this is Dana” the girls said in a very kind way. “We want to ask you some questions about your aunt, if this won’t upset you, of course”, Addison continued.

“It is ok by me.” he answered in a low voice.

“When was the last time you saw your aunt Jane? Was she OK?” Dana asked.

“She was fine.”

“The last time we talked was yesterday evening. She said good night to me and went to her room with her boyfriend”,

“So you did not meet her today?”

“No, I went out really early.” .

“Why?” Addison asked really curious,

“Why do you both care?” he screamed, but it didn’t catch anyone’s attention.

Addison realized it was time to stop and leave the boy alone, but Dana was interested in another thing. His bag. They couldn’t force Matheo to open it, so they had to steal it. Dana could get it without him noticing. Outside the cafeteria, they started to look for anything suspicious in his bag, Addison finally found something, and again, they called the police.

The police officers talked to the girls and immediately arrested Matheo. Inside the boy’s bag there was a little bottle with a strange liquid inside. Dana knew that this substance was a poison which could kill a person in a few seconds. They realized that the boy might have put it into Jane’s water bottle. But why?

Calling Matheo’s parents, they discovered that the boy wasn’t too close to his aunt, but he had a specific memory of her. Once, Jane was involved in a car accident and hurt her leg badly. Matheo’s mother had to help her at the hospital, but at the same day.Matheo had an interview at the local TV that would help him to achieve his dream of becoming famous. His mother couldn’t take him to the interview, and since then he started hating his aunt Jane.

At the prison, Matheo started planning his revenge, but this time was on the young detectives. Addison and Dana. He won’t forget these names.