The mysterious Island

On August 13th, a summer rainy day. A plane left London on the way to Boston. Among the passengers, there was Charlie, a TikToker that was going back home after an interview on a TV program in London. In the seat next to Charlie there was Madison, a American lady, who works in London, and got fired from her job and received a job offer in Boston. Another passenger was Nick, a young guy who worked for a secret company and was travelling to watch a football game... In front of Nick was James Xavier, a detective who was in charge of an investigation.

The rain got heavier and the plane started shaking. Everyone was scared. When they looked through the window the turbine was on fire and the passengers panicked. Nobody could see anything, neither the pilot or the passengers. The plane crashed on an Island, and Nick, James, Madison, and Charlie survived.

When they woke up, they heard someone screaming “help!”. They were in the middle of the jungle, and parts of the plane were broken on the ground. Jonhatan and Alex were stuck, so Nick and James ran into the plane wreckage to help them. The plane radio was broken, so they couldn’t communicate with anyone. They didn't have food or water and they had no idea where they were. They would have to find a place to sleep, because they didn't know how long they would stay in the forest. They walked a little and found a small cave, with very little clarity. In the middle of it, there was a pond of crystal clear water.

They started exploring the cave to see if there was anyone or anything there. They were lucky that the cave was safe, so they could stay there. It was already the end of the day, so they prepared a place for them and slept there.

The next day, they decided to look for food. Everyone filled a bottle with water from the lake and left the cave. It was a big island, so they went separated in duos. They agreed that if anyone found food they should wait in the cave with it. Everyone should be back before the evening. After a long time they came to the cave, Alex found the plane snacks, Charlie some fruits.

After two days, they started to build a little boat, with the materials that they had in the forest, such as wood, rope, a machete and a lot of energy. It was very hard to do it because nobody knew how to ride a boat with few materials. When they could see the sunset, they decided to go back to the cave and have dinner. They talked about the plans for the next morning and how to get out of there.

On the next day, the passengers got on the boat and left, unsure about where they were going. The group knew they wouldn’t stay there, because they were tired and needed to go back home. They were sailing on the ocean aimlessly, having found nothing. It was already late.

After many hours on the ocean, they saw a piece of land, but there were several vessels and some people working with different types of fish and fruits. When they got closer, Madinson and Nick started screaming for help. A woman named Caroline heard them, she asked if they needed anything and said that she could take them to Boston, they’re so grateful for her and happy to finally get back to the city.