The God Akashi

On a common morning in the beautiful city of New York, something unusual happened. Something appeared in the city’s blue morning sky. Something strange, big. It seemed like a person, but it wasn’t, it was grey and very strong. There was no chaos, it was just flying there, in the sky, watching. Minutes passed and it was all over the news, TV, announcements, Times Square billboards, everything. It took all over the city. The people stopped, looked up and all saw this huge, greyish thing in New York’s sky.

The US government decided to reunite the top super heroes, July the invisible girl. Orivaldo, the perception guy who could discover the weaknesses of his opponents by looking. Amy, the fastest girl in the world and Camila. They were in a secret headquarters of the government in Manhattan along to work together and decide what to do. The US government sent out a warning about what they knew about the thing in the sky and what the superheroes would do about it.

Suddenly, the big thing in the sky started moving frenectically in the sky, and a deep and calm voice came from the sky: “My name is Akashi Millord, I'm a God, not a villain, respect me and your planet will be fine, don’t respect me and nothing will be fine.”

The people were scared but they respected Akashi, because they feared him. The God started moving again, and the superheroes thought they needed to do something. They decided to watch Akashi, while the detectives started the investigation about what he was and where he came from. For the detectives, it was really hard to do something, as they had never seen something like Akashi. They teamed up with all their powers and flew towards the giant, to make a strong enough impact to take him down. Suddenly the God was on the floor, but this didn’t defeat him, just left him more angry and he said:

“I would have mercy, but this was in the past. If you want a fight, you’ll have a fight !”

July Tafeme was very strong and cute, and the superheroes unleashed the giant, and July with her powers climbed on him, and punched his eyes. Akashi punched her back. She fell down on the floor and got unconscious.

Orivaldo, with his super perception, discovered that the weakness of the giant God was his eyes. With his gun, Orivaldo shot Akashi in the eyes. The God kicked Orivaldo so hard that it made Orivaldo get tossed against a building and with the impact he got knocked out. Camila flew towards Akashi and punched him in the leg. Akashi punched her so strongly that she was launched into the distance.

“It’s not going to be easy with me” said the giant

“Just in your mind, I’m just getting started” said Camila, angrily

She flew and kicked him in the face. Akashi held her by the leg and threw her to outer space and she became unconscious and drifted into space.

Amy, with her incredible speed, climbed a building and jumped towards the giant’s eyes and hit them with her feet. He stroked back and threw her against a skyscraper. Amy quickly stood up and started running in circles around Akashi. She ran so fast that Akashi got dizzy and fell on the floor. Even though he was on the floor, Akashi punched Amy against the building. She fell on the floor and whined:

“Why are you doing this, we are just humans, trying to save the planet.”

“From yourselves?” said Akashi, confused

“Not everyone is bad!” cried Amy; “There’s still hope in this world, there are still good people, who want to make good things to the planet” continued Amy; “Please Akashi, I know there is a piece of goodness deep inside of your heart” she bagged.

Akashi seemed convinced. Amy saw that her words touched Akas

“There’s really still hope here,” said Akashi, with a slurred voice.

The giant starred at the city and saw the destruction and the deaths that he caused, and said :

“I'm sorry, my work is to save you, not to kill you.”

He brought people back and undid the destruction. All the buildings, parks, skyscrapers, metro stations that were destroyed got reconstructed instantaneously. All the heroes that were unconscious and really hurt, got back on their feet again, and were cured. The city’s blue sky appeared again, and there was no sign of destruction or fight. The heroes were confused and looked at each other , trying to understand what happened. In an instant, Akashi vanished.