
Robert, the best detective in the town, wakes up in his bedroom, and so as every day, he goes to the kitchen, where he makes his daily coffee. He drinks it, normally, feeling his energy growing while the caffeine enters in his body. He immediately is filled with pleasure, as everytime he drinks a good cup of coffee. He changes his clothes, to the clothes he uses while working, and then goes off the street.

What he sees is a normal morning in Dallas, Texas. He gets exasperated with it, but accepts that the day is going to be long and boring. Walking down the street, he doesn’t see many people who have already awakened, and the street is pretty calm. Suddenly, the temperature fall, and as if his body felt that something bad was going to happen with him, the time started to get slower, and slower, and slower, until the world started moving in slow motion. He looked to his back, and just saw a wormhole. Then, he started being pulled to it, and passed out.

Lisa woke up early, as every day. she changed her clothes and went down the stairs, she made a toast break and a coffee as every morning, and when she was going out she felt the winter arriving at her city Santa Monica, in California, then she was walking by the beach, that was empty because of the hour in the morning, she walked 20 minutes until she heard a strange sound from a small street right behind her, she is very curious so she entered in the street and as she was getting close to the noise the time started to get slower, and slower, she had a feeling that the time was stopping. From that point on going, the world turned in black.

Suddenly, Robert woke up.

“Finally you’re awake. How was the sleep, old man?” He looked up, and saw a young woman face “we were waiting for you”.

He got up, and saw that he was in a big desert, and near to him, four other people. “Who… are you, and why am I here” he asked “that's a long story, but I am Lena Hargreeves, this big guy over here” she pointed to a guy with a massive body, who looked pretty strong, but also trustable “is John Garcia. This redhead woman here” She appointed to a tall woman, with green eyes and a smart appearance “is Rose, and this woman here” she appointed to a very beautiful girl, with long brown hair, with an athletic body “is Lisa.”

“Than… Lena, John, Rose and… Linda?” Robert asked, receiving as an answer from the woman with brown hair “Lisa, not Linda”. “All right, sorry.”

After that weird dialogue, she looked again at the young woman and saw that she had a red mark in her eyes, long brown hair and white skin. Then, she started thinking about what was going on, and started to get desperate. “What is happening? Why am I here? What do you want with me?”

“Calm down, friend. We all don’t know why we are here. I was walking in the street as always, and suddenly I passed out…” said the big man called John, “So as with everyone”.

“Okay, okay. So what are we going to do now?” Robert asked again “We were waiting for you to wake up, old man, so then we could plan. Now that you are awake, we should start thinking.”

Then she started to discuss what would be the best decision to take, when Rose exclaimed “hey, guys. You should see this”. In front of her, just earth. “what do you want us to see, er… Rose…?” asked Robert “right here, on the floor. Look carefully.” Then they saw. Camouflaged in the floor, a hidden hatch. “I can handle it” said John, while he opened the hatch with not much effort. They all looked at each other, and then at the open hatch. Inside, lots of stairs, going to where they are, to out of their sights.

As they were going down, the temperature was getting colder and colder, but the stairs never end, It seems like they were walking for hours when the stairs ended, It was really cold and dark, they walked together to not get lost in the darkness, when they saw a light and slowly were getting closer, when they got there, under the light was a tall pedestal, and on the top of It there was a cube, a really strange cube, and all of they were scared and curious. “I will get the cube”, said John, but Lena disagreed “No! Is very dangerous, we don’t know what this cube can do” ,“So we are going to discover now!” and John in a impulse, took the cube, but Lena tried to prevent John, and the cube fall to the floor...

When they did that, a light came out of the cube, and suddenly they could only see light, and the temperature started to get higher, and they started flying. When the energy pushes them into the cube, they loop several times before stopping in a different place.

“ Where are we?” asked Lisa “ I have no idea!” said Robert, they looked around and tried to go out, but It was a cube, they were looking there, they only could see a big puzzle, and they already knew what to do!

Rose was the first going to do a puzzle, she started looking at the many parts of the giant puzzle, “ First we need to organise the puzzle” she said “ But is Giant, we couldn’t make It” said John “ You need to help, you get us here!” said Lisa, “ But maybe, solving this puzzle is our way out of here!” said Robet “ So we need to hurry up!” said Lena, and they went back to work. They worked hardest anh then.

They finished the puzzle after a long time, the puzzle turned into a portal, they entered there and found another puzzle. “Oh no! Another puzzle!” said Lena worried.

This puzzle was more difficult than the other puzzle pieces. They were enchanted, and they moved and changed places with each other, they started to solve that. When they finished, they realized that a piece of the puzzle was missing. “I don’t believe it! We will get stuck here forever” said John “No, there must be some reason for not having this piece” said Lisa. When she got close she realized that this piece was a portal! And then everybody entered on the portal and came back to the home.

They never really realised what happened to them, they have never seen each other again, and this was a big mysteries in their minds, they came back from where they came from, to the same time, hour, minute, they will always remember each other, and the great adventure they lived together.