
1st period: Music & Space

Project 1: Space in music

Project 2: music as universal language

You are the survivors after the apocalyse, and you want to reorganise the new world, and take this opportunity for human kind to REBORN! Some of the survivors agree with the idea that all survivors need to communicate in the same language: music, however, there are some others that don't support the idea.

In this project you will design a proposal campaign, and do a debate that will help you to convince other survivors to vote for your proposal. Who will win?

STOP! And what happens with our Day of the Death celebration?!

Project 3: Day of the Death and its importance

Project 4: It's starting to look a lot like Christmas!

SH - Is starting to look a lot like Xmas.mp4

It's December, and the Christmas spirit is starting everywhere!

Even if the current circumstances have been very challenging for everyone, in the school and the CON-ARTE 2024 department that we needed to design a project that reflects the spirit of our community and Christmas even on the distance.

With this project we aim to bring a little bit of the Christmas spirit to your homes. Moreover, to develop and reinforce our sense of community by doing an horizontal project that would include the entire school.

Of course we other important goals to accomplish during the project, you will develop musical intelligence, self-esteem, and sense of belonging. You will experience that musicking is a great tool for arousing emotions, and bring people together.

Join us, join CON-ARTE in this amazing project, and be part of the community experience during Christmas!

Welcome to the second semester of this academic year.

you are one step closer to your goal!

2nd period: The 7 Wonders

Project 1: World Heritage

  • Introduction to the Seven Wonders of the Modern World

  • Tangible Heritage

  • Intangible Heritage

In this project you will have the opportunity of understanding what is the fuss of all the concept of World Heritage. We will learn about the importance of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World. Get to know some important facts about these wondrous sites and why they are consider the 7 Wonders of our lifetime.

Heritage is essential for transmitting knowledge to future generations, however, how is that sometimes human kind forgets to preserve it? Here you will learn the types of heritage that are considered by the UNESCO, the role of the UNESCO as international institution in charge of promoting the protection and preservation of heritage.

At the end of this project it will be your chance to nominate a heritage to be included in the World Heritage List by UNESCO!

Coming up...

3rd period: The Olympics