Class resources


1st period: Music & Space

Project 1: Space in Music

  • Space & Spatiality

  • Elements that are Space

  • Ambient vs Spatial Music

You will learn about the concepts of Space and Spatiality, and their meaning on music. In this topic you will discover how composers use the concepts of space for creating music, and as an element of the musical form.

We will explore and create our first music composition using the pre-compositional spatiality approach. We will be inspired by some elements from our Mexican environment and turn it into music by using the FREE software MuseScore or ScoreCreator.

Music elements in the space are necessary to be organised systematically in order to be considered music. Here you will learn about which music elements need to be organised, and are dependant on space. But most important, you will live, and experience why the organisation of music elements in the space is important.

Spatial and Ambient Music are music genres that take the concept of space, and spatiality as the basis for their compositions. Here you will learn about these two music genres, and how interestingly both impact into the listener experience, and create different atmospheres using their own unique elements. I share with you some music examples of spatial music, and ambient music. Breathe, relax, turn up your volume, and ENJOY!

Spatial Music

Ambient Music

Project 2: music as universal languge

  • Elements that make music a universal language

  • Elements that don't make music a universal language


In this lesson we will take our first step for preparing our campaign, and the final debate. You will learn the both sides of the story: what actually can make music a universal language, but what doesn't make it one. We will be reading and listening the experts, scientists, artists and musicologists, and what they think about music being a universal language. And as an easy way to organise this thoughts, you will have to do a comparative table or brain storm map. More details in class ;)

We will keep learning and recap about what makes music a universal language and the elements that make music NOT universal.

But wait! Also, we need to reinforce our skills for handling information: dissemination and summarising. These are necessary skills that will serve us as a way to organise all the information we need on our campaigns.

P2-Handling Information.mp4

Also, is important to experience and explore in more detail some of these elements. On one hand, we will explore how behaviours, specifically, how ritualistic behaviours are present in every culture and make music a universal language.

Before we continue let's recap what we have learnt so far. Go into a mission, find the virus code and SAVE THE WORLD!

You will go through some missions and you need to discover the clues for finding the right code, but... everything is written into musical terms! Would you able to discover it?

Find out!

Project 3: Day of the death

Project 4: It's starting to look a lot like Christmas!

Step 1: let's warm up our voices, remember that our vocal chords are essential for singing, and are two muscles we have inside our throat. As any muscle, when we are about to use we need to warm it up. Don't forget this important step for a health singing!

Step 2: practise the words and pronounciation, put them into the beat, and put some boogie!

Step 3: Now let's practise it with the music, and sing the song!


How much do you know the christmas carols?! QUIZ TIME!!

Let's close-up our year 2020 with a quiz about the Christmas carols classics.

Starting our second semester of the academic year. WELCOME!

2ND period: The 7 wonders

In this section you will learn key concepts about the topic: heritage, value, memories, outstanding universal value, and the importance of the UNESCO.

We will look into the different types of heritage that are considered by the UNESCO and what makes a heritage to have an outstanding universal value.

With this topic, we will learn the importance of preserving and taking care of our heritage, as a tool for preserving and transmitting culture, knowledge and traditions.

Let's close up our project, and reinforce the concepts we've just seen in class, check out the activities on Genially, and follow the links to WordWall, for doing some fun games.

At the end, share with us what about the heritage you have in your family! The importance of heritage begins from the family one, and then to whole world.

3RD period: The Olympics