Project: 2018 - 1 - DE02 - KA202 - 005019


Diseño y elaboración del blog - Encarnación Jurado Olmedo

Un inicio, una finalización y nueva proyección de futuro...

En el año 2018 iniciamos nuestro camino cinco grupos de profesionales procedentes de cinco países de la Comunidad Europea (Alemania, Estonia, Países Bajos, Italia y España) con el propósito de elaborar una matriz de competencias homologada para los países integrantes. Esta matriz sería la base de referencia para la evaluación de las competencias profesionales del alumnado que realiza las prácticas en Educación Infantil.

Las miras hacia la continuación del proyecto con la movilidad de estudiantes, desde centros de formación de origen a otros países receptores, cubre la utilidad práctica con la elaboración de instrumentos concretos a partir de la matriz generada.

El portfolio europeo al respecto, ECEC Workforce Profile, ha servido como referencia para adoptar los parámetros y el propio uso del lenguaje.

El trabajo resultante, fruto de un esfuerzo considerable, queda palpable en la web oficial, en la matriz elaborada, en el uso de plataformas concretas y en la elaboración de toda una base documental para que pueda ser factible ese acuerdo de colaboración. En definitiva, ha sido un trabajo arduo pero con evidencias palpables de colaboración mutua como una COMUNIDAD PROFESIONAL DE APRENDIZAJE.


Main Characteristics: support program, duration and objectives

The Department for EU Projects in Vocational Education and Training (VET), Cologne Government Regional Office (EUGES) has applied for an ERASMUS+ project at the National Agency for Education for Europe at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training. The grant was awarded on 11 July 2018.

This project focuses on Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) (ages 0-6).

Project duration: 11/2018 to 10/2020. In line with the new pandemic caused by COVID, the duration of the project is extended until the summer of 2021.


The aim of the project is to develop a competence-based overview in the form of a matrix which summarizes the necessary competences in the field of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) at the age of 0 to 6 years in the participating project countries. This simplifies and promotes transnational internships.

The THEME Smart Mobility Tool database of EUGES will be expanded to include the ECEC area, so that international exchanges can be carried out at the required high level and with the help of ECVET and assessment instruments. ECVET describes the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training, which is used as a European transparency instrument to facilitate the comparability and recognition of knowledge and competences acquired throughout Europe.

The instruments developed can also be used as a basis for long-term internships abroad and as a prerequisite for mutual recognition of training courses/parts of training.

A further objective is the expansion of European networks in the field of ECEC.

This section lists the progression of the project with its different main activities.

This section details the partners and shows detailed information about our institution, Early Childhood Education and Primary School Rectora Adelaida de la Calle - Public Institution (29011412), in two ways: general information and specific information about the TRAECE Project.

This point is used as an opportunity to refer to the beneficiaries of this programme.

The work shared over the years has resulted in a series of documents, databases and tools in line with the practical implementation of the project.

Although the common interest is conditioned by the general objective and the proposed terminal objectives, each partner, participating institution, clearly states its interests on building a permanent learning network according to the improvement of its own teaching practice and, therefore, our student's learning process.

The structure of the project requires permanent contact between the different members of the project through virtual meetings, e-mails, shared documents, telephone contact and face-to-face meetings until the current situation of COVID has limited it.

What is expected from the project has a direct impact on the establishment of a common basis in terms of tools and essential documents to promote mobility for a practical placements in other European institutions for students doing trainieeships in the 0-6 age group.

This section sets out hte means used to give visibility to the Erasmus TRAECE Project (design, development, implementation, feedback and evaluation,...).