Welcome to


"Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself"

-Chinese proverb-

Here you can find all the information you need about your English class.

Check your class page regularly and the calendar for important dates.

On the News page you will find news from your class, your school, Chandebrito, Vigo, Spain, the world.... Keep up-to-date with what is happening!

The Challenges are part of the Activity Bank. Remember you can even create one yourself!

On the Useful links page you will find interesting websites and apps to help you improve your English

Remember to check out the Gallery to see and hear some of the fantastic work you and your schoolmates are doing...

English@Estudio Guide

Read the English@Estudio Guide to find all the answers to your questions about class and some great tips to help you improve your English!

*Click on the square symbol to see the Guide in full screen mode or download a copy here

The internet is a great thing if we use it correctly. There are some things we need to remember everytime we go online to be a good digital citizen and to keep safe.

Can you remember what they are? Watch the video and check your ideas...