About Akademi Guru Juara

Akademi Guru Juara is a structured teacher apprenticeship program from CoLearn. Through Akademi Guru Juara, we are developing well-rounded, aspiring educators with the right mindset and skills to become CoLearn’s full-time teachers. Within a year, you will get the opportunity to make an impact on over 1000 students.

Who is Guru Juara?

Guru Juara does more than teaching; Guru Juara connects with their students and brings a fun learning environment to the classroom. Are you passionate about building students' confidence? Do you take joy in empowering students to tackle difficult problems? Join the squad!

Billy Kurniawan

Nanyang Technological University

  • Dean’s List NTU (2018-2019)

  • Gold medal - International Standards

  • Olympiad South Korea (2016)

Yuna Qurrota

Universitas Indonesia

  • Pioneer of IG story filter about soal-soal Matematika

  • Part of @ngobrolmatematika

Angie Tanaja

Cheng Kung University

  • The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of the Republic of China

  • Youtube content creator with 14.000 Subscribers

Valeria Yekti

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

  • Master Degree, Math Education from Universitas Negeri Jakarta

  • 10+ years teaching experience

  • Youtube content creator with more than 15.000 Subscribers

Ritsy Amansa

Universitas Brawijaya

  • Founder of instagram @mathamansa

  • Best team of Math Week National Competition, 2016

Egi Annisa

UIN Jakarta

  • Participant of National Science Olympic - Senior High School

  • Steering Committee, National Math Olympic - UIN Jakarta

What's in it for you



You will be trained for two weeks to be the best online STEM teacher in the country.



We value our teachers as much as we value Data Analyst. Teaching is not a lesser profession at CoLearn.


Working Tools

We equip every teacher with tools and facilities to support them in teaching students effectively from home



Through a defined growth path and continuous development program, each teacher can always grow within CoLearn.



You will have great leaders and a community of teachers to support your professional growth.

What We Look For

🎓 Bachelor’s degree in Education or STEM subjects is preferable.

🥇 Have at least 1 year of teaching/tutoring experience.

📖 Strong understanding of Indonesian curriculum for STEM subjects in SD, SMP and/or SMA level.

🎙️ Great communicator and has the capability to engage with students online.

Available Positions

  • Guru Juara - Chemistry
    • SMA
  • Guru Juara - Physics
    • SMP
    • SMA
  • Guru Juara - Math
    • SD
    • SMP
    • SMA

Timeline & Selection Process

Let's join Akademi Guru Juara and be part of our mission!

CV Submission

Submit a CV that is tailored for the position you want. Use your CV to show your unique strengths and experiences that make you a good fit for the role.

Selection Process

You will be invited to take CoLearn online assessment based on the subject matter you chose, an interview session with our Recruitment team, a teaching video submission, and a final mock teaching interview with our Guru Juara team.


After you pass all the stages, you will get an offer letter from our Recruitment team.


Congratulations! After accepting the offer, you will be invited to the pre-onboarding stage before joining Akademi Guru Juara in May 2022.

Let's join us!

Make impact, one student at a time

Life as Guru Juara

As a remote-friendly company, we take connection very seriously! Endless engagement sessions with the other Guru Juaras are waiting for you!

Frequently Asked Questions

Apakah Guru Juara di CoLearn merupakan posisi full-time?

Iya, Akademi Guru Juara merupakan program CoLearn untuk mencari guru secara full-time.

Apakah posisi ini memungkinan untuk part-time?

Tidak. Untuk saat ini, kami mencari guru full-time yang fokus memberikan edukasi terbaik bagi murid CoLearn

Di mana dan berapa lama proses rekrutmen akan berlangsung?

Semua proses akan berlangsung secara online / daring selama lebih kurang 2 bulan.

Kapan program akan dimulai dan kapan peserta harus masuk?

Program di mulai awal Mei secara online. Peserta yang lolos harus bisa mengikuti Akademi Guru Juara sejak awal tanggal ditentukan.

Fasilitas apa saja yang didapatkan?

Guru Juara akan mendapatkan benefit layaknya karyawan penuh waktu di CoLearn seperti asuransi kesehatan, BPJS, dan peminjaman peralatan yang sudah sesuai dengan standar CoLearn untuk pengajaran daring seperti laptop.

Apakah akan mengajar luring?

Tidak. Guru-guru di CoLearn mengajar murid secara online melalui platform yang kita gunakan.

Latar belakang pendidikan saya bukan dari pendidikan / keguruan, apakah saya boleh mendaftar?

Boleh. Selama Anda memiliki pengalaman mengajar subjek Matematika, Fisika, atau Kimia setidaknya satu tahun, Anda memenuhi syarat untuk mendaftar.