What is a School Bond Issue?

A school bond election is a bond used by the school district to fund capital improvement projects, instructional materials and transportation needs. These measures are placed on the ballot by school boards to be considered by the voting public.

When is the school 2023 Bond Election?

The election is Tuesday, April 4th, 2023. The polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

What percentage is required for passage of the bond issue?

School bonds require a supermajority of 60 percent to pass. 

Can School Bond Issues be used to pay for teacher salaries? 

No, school bonds can not pay for teacher salaries. As stated above, bond funds can pay to construct or renovate facilities, equip buildings with furniture and fixtures, acquire property, utilized for instructional materials and transportation needs. 

Will my property taxes increase? 

No, this bond will not have a tax rate increase!

Has the School District applied for a FEMA Grant? 

Yes. We are currently applying for two FEMA Grants for storm shelters. 

Can taxpayers outside of the Colcord School District Boundaries vote or be required to pay for this bond?

No. Only taxpayers within the boundaries of Colcord Schools may vote on the bond and be involved in the repayment of the bond process. Moseley patrons cannot vote or pay for the bond. 

When will the projects be completed, if the bond passes? 

Estimated date is August of 2024.

How did these specific projects get chosen for the bond? 

They were in response to the community needs assessment survey and many committee meetings. 

The school has written and received many grants in the past few years that provide additional programming for our students. 

What is included in the 2023 Bond Issue Proposal? 

Each facility has been evaluated thoroughly to determine the needs for improvements. The following provides information on the projects if in fact the bond issues pass 

Middle School