Colchester High School Health Office

Moriah McCullagh, 


District Nurse Leader

Phone: 802-264-5724

Case Manager for A-K

Josie Lang


CHS School NursePhone: 802-264-5723Case Manager for L-Z

CHS Health Office Phone: (802) 264-5723  Fax: (802) 264-5757



School Medication Policy

Colchester School District believes that when possible, medications should be administered by families in the home. The district recognizes that some students will need to take medications during the regular school day. 

Medications will be stored in a secure, locked location and will be administered by the school nurse or the nurse's designee according to the district's defined procedures.  Individual considerations will be given to students who must keep medication with him/her/them at all times (i.e., Epipen, insulin, or inhalers). Medications must be kept in a secure place and staff should be notified when used. Anyone found not to be responsible for the safekeeping and use of medications will have to keep medication locked in the nurse’s office and it will be administered by the school nurse or the nurse’s designee.

The health office stocks a basic supply of over the counter medication. These are able to be administered by the nurse, if indicated, according to the package instructions and with parent permission obtained at registration


Immunizations are the single most important way to protect against serious and sometimes deadly diseases. According to Vermont law, in order to attend a school or childcare facility, students must comply with the vaccine schedule or be provisionally admitted. All provisionally admitted students must be fully immunized within six months following enrollment, or submit a signed medical or religious exemption form. Parents and guardians of students who are not in compliance with the requirements will receive a “Notice of Missing Immunizations and Provisional Admittance” that will inform them of the steps needed to comply with the law. 


Parents are asked to keep their child home if they displays any of the following conditions:

● A fever above 100 in the last 24 hours

● Vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours

● An unexpected rash

● A cough that does not stop

● A contagious infection that has not been treated

Your child may return to school when they are: 

Please contact the nurse if your child is being treated for an infection. Children sent to school with these or similar conditions may be dismissed from school.


Vermont state law 16 V.S.A. §1422 requires schools to annually test the vision and hearing of students in grades 9 and 12. If a potential problem is identified, you will be notified and encouraged to contact your child’s doctor for further evaluation. Parents are permitted to opt their child out of such tests by informing the school in writing of their desire.


Concussion Information

Alcohol or Substance Abuse

Sexual Health & Support

Mental Health Resources