trade - Coinbase Advanced Trading

Level up your trade journey with trade 

Heard of the shutting down of Coinbase Pro and the launch of advanced trade?

Well, you have heard it right. The platform for professionals named Coinbase Pro is about to end its services soon and the standard exchange will come up with a new and advanced platform to give investors an exceptional trade experience.

With this read, we will look at the main aspects relating to trade and how to access advanced trading on Coinbase. 

Enjoy advanced trading tools at the same price as Pro

The name itself gives an idea of the platform. The name “Advanced Trade” reflects that this platform is an initiative to give experienced investors advanced trading tools that will help them in taking their crypto trade journey to the next level.

The users of the Pro platform will be able to explore all their favorite markets and trading tools at a relatively low price as compared to the standard Coinbase on trade. All the lineaments of the Pro will be carried here in the advanced trade along with some additions made to give the investors a unique experience.

Some of the attractive traits of this platform will include:

Footprints for Coinbase Advanced trading login

Have you already got yourself registered on Advanced Trade?

Great!! If you have enrolled yourself in this all-new trading platform then let’s resume our trade journey by stepping ahead for its login or sign-in. The steps included for the trade are listed underneath. Give a quick peep at it:

After completing all the prompted steps and providing the accurate login credentials you’ll be logged back into your account. And with the Coinbase Advanced trading login, you have unlocked the doors for crypto advanced trade.

A look at the common Coinbase connection issues

Coinbase being an online platform is not free from errors and technical issues. While working with this platform, you might face issues due to a technical glitch or due to some device errors. The case is the same with the trade

Some of the common issues that users often come across are:

However, the fixes of these errors are not so hard. You can easily try some of the effective measures to resolve this issue. At first, you’ll have to figure out whether the issue is with the exchange’s server or with your device to take further action accordingly.

If the error is the result of server overload then you’ll have to do nothing but wait for a few hours and then try to perform the action again. On the other hand, if there is some problem with your operating device then you can follow the fixes that you use to solve the Coinbase issues.

The errors at times are also reflected in the form of Coinbase Pro error codes. Each error is directed by a distinct code. If your issue is not resolved or you are unable to understand what kind of error you are facing in that case you can get in touch with the support team to get assistance.


What is Advanced trading on Coinbase? trade is an initiative made to give experienced investors a better trade experience by offering them advanced trading tools to predict market movements. However, the platform will charge the same fee as the Pro. 

With advanced trade, you’ll get a range of enhanced trading tools like charts and order types to access the market.

How do you get advanced trade on Coinbase?

Just like any other platform the steps to access trade include the signup and sign-in process. All you’ll have to do is to get yourself enrolled on the advanced trade and then get back into your account by logging into it. 

Once you get back into your account you will be able to use the trading tools and make sound decisions according to them. 

Is Advanced trading on Coinbase free? trade just like other platforms is free from any charge if the customers want to enroll and log in to the account. However, when you trade on the platform, you’ll be charged a reasonable fee related to that specific transaction.

Furthermore, the taker and the maker fee is the same as was charged on the Pro. 

Is Coinbase advanced better than Coinbase Pro?

Yes, trade is an improvement over the Pro with some additions made to it to give the user exceptional and better trading than before. For this, the platform has added some advanced trading tools like charts, order limits, etc. to help investors in making good trade decisions.

To get more information about the trading tools, you can refer to

Finishing it up!!

If we have a look at the Coinbase Advanced trade vs Coinbase Pro, we can conclude that there is only a slight difference between both them. The price charged on this new platform is the same as what was charged on the Pro. You can even have a look at the differences from

Moreover, one of the noticeable differences is that the advanced platform will let you earn Defi rewards which were not supported by the Pro.