Language Ambassador Guide

What does being a Language Ambassador Entail?

Welcome to Aya! Thank you for joining to help us ensure we collect data for your language both in good quantity and good quality 💙

As the ambassador for your language, you are taking on the responsibility to help us collect the following by the end of 2023. 

Learn more about the role of a Language Ambassador by watching this video.

Aya Language Ambassadors - Intro Video.mp4


Step 1: Ensure you are familiar with Aya and how to contribute.

Step 2: Please make sure you have filled this form with your contact details.

Step 3: Add your pic to this ppt.

Aya Language Ambassadors

Step 4: Ensure you have proper Discord access and let Madeline know if you are missing any of the following:

Your Regional Channel




Your Regional Language Ambassadors channel




Your Language Channel

#[your language!]

Language Ambassador Resources

Copy any materials in this folder and edit to be relevant for your language, or add your own!

Outreach Ideas

Direct Outreach to friends and colleagues

If Aya resonates with you, it will likely also be meaningful to the people you are connected with. 

Social media and email outreach to your network

Use Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, or other tools where you already connect with people to spread the word about Aya. Consider posting in your language about any of the following

If you want to add visuals to your material, make use of any of the templates in the Language Ambassador Google Drive, or ask Madeline for something specific.

Broader outreach to speakers of your language

The Language Ambassador's Google Drive contains examples of general outreach copy.

Tutorials and Documentation in your Language

Create materials in your language that tell people about Aya and how to contribute. Share these generally using any of the outreach methods mentioned above.

Demos and recurring events

Many people resonate with Aya when they first hear about it in a talk, or through a social media post, but may not have time to contribute in that moment. It can be helpful to direct them to an upcoming event that they can block off in order to learn more and start contributing. By hosting recurring events and demos every week or two, you can keep scheduling and planning to a minimum, while continuing to onboard new people.

Pick a date and time that work for you. Let Madeline know - we can set up a Google Meet of Zoom link for you on our enterprise account. Spread the word! Invite people to learn more about Aya and contribute together. For you presentation, you can  build your own, or copy an existing slide, like our weekly onboarding.

Maintaining a community of speakers of your language on Discord or elsewhere

Use your language channel on Discord to maintain a community. 

If your community is more likely to gather on an alternate platform (eg. Facebook, WhatsApp, etc.), create a group for Aya and connect with them there.

Language Challenges

Tips for making use of the Aya Contribution Stats

To see your language's stats... 

...navigate to your region, and search the list for your language. Set goals for yourself and your contributors every week, so that you can hit the ultimate goals by the end of the year!

*Please note - The analytics dashboard shows the number of contributions, while the leaderboard on the Aya contribution site is in points. For example, if you make edits to the prompt and completion when contributing to task 1, this earns you 3 points on the Leaderboard, but only counts as 1 submission in the analytics.

Keep tabs on the leaderboard and shout-out contributors to your language. 

See who has contributed recently, and let them know you appreciate their efforts. Even if they have just made a few contributions, finding out that their work is noticed and is making a difference may motivate them to keep contributing.

BONUS! Issue your contributors challenges. Eg. Congrats @Joan on making 332 contributions! The @Top Contributors - 500 landmarks is within sight! Do you think you can make it by the end of next week?

Discord Guide

Aya - Language Ambassadors Discord Guide

Contribution Landmark Goals

Remember: for each language, we are working towards the goals of

This can be pretty daunting 😨 , so let's break it up into smaller goals.

TIP! Though we have until the end of the year to get contributions for this phase of the project, plan to meet your goal by the end of October! This gives us a few weeks of wiggle room, in case anything goes wrong.

Set yourself a chart with milestone you want to hit. For example... there are 13 weeks between now and the end of October. You could set the following goals for your language:

This will help you keep track of your progress, see what strategies work for driving contributions ✅ , and evaluate when you need to change course. ↪️