

透過網路與妳的空中連線!一群高校女生的Podcast有什麼好聽的呢? 教你泡茶嗎? 教你種茶嗎? NO~NO~NO~這都太普通了啦~ 我們要給你更酷的東西!因為我們不一樣~~ 金甌女中觀光事業科團隊每集節目都有不同的高三同學驚喜現聲,為大家親口解說那些你從來沒聽過的茶知識與故事!想要聽著聽著就不知不覺瞭解台灣茶的特色嗎?快跟著我們按下PLAY鍵,來一場茶的線上知性之旅吧!什麼!還沒認識我們嗎?觀光科可不止吃、喝、玩、樂,快到我們的PODCAST逛逛!讓我們帶著你進行一場有關「茶顏觀色」的深度之旅。

Partially fermented tea is commonly known as oolong tea.

Oolong teas are the easiest, and the most difficult teas to brew. To brew some types of oolongs you will need a lot of patience and understanding.

Not only Chinese brewing tea, but also through the video will demonstrate how to make a glass of Taiwanese bubble tea.