Coast Mountain Academy

August 31, 2021

Hello CMA parents & students,

We are about to embark on our 3rd consecutive school year with communicable illness prevention measures and restrictions in place. The good news is that the government-mandated guidelines are significantly more relaxed this year after the learning and data collection that has occurred over the past two school years, which shows that schools are not a significant source of covid-19 transmission. We have now published CMA’s Communicable Illness Prevention Plan to the Covid-19 HQ website, a summary of the important policies and changes is listed below:

  • Masks are mandatory for all students and staff in all indoor spaces, including school busses. Masks may be removed indoors when students are eating, drinking, or exercising at an intense level.

  • Similar to last year, both staff and students MUST stay home if they are sick, symptomatic, or have learned that they were exposed to a transmittable illness. CMA will continue to use its “Pseubie” Remote Learning system, which provides students an audio and visual feed, in real time, into our classrooms

  • While vaccines are not required for eligible students or staff, they are strongly encouraged to provide individual protection, limit the spread, and get us out of this darn pandemic!

  • Physical distancing is no longer a requirement. Instead, staff and students are required to give each other appropriate levels of “personal space,” and recognize that different individuals require different amounts

  • Learning cohorts no longer exist

  • There may be regional differences in public health guidance for school districts that develop throughout the school year, based on the severity of transmission risk in that area

  • School visitors will need to continue to follow our communicable illness prevention plan, including not coming to the school while sick and wearing a mask

  • Students should avoid sharing high-touch items such as pens, pencils, calculators, etc.

(Good News Items)

  • BC School Sports are set to resume! Extracurriculars are an important part of the high school experience for many students and therefore it is so awesome that inter-school competition will be restarting this fall

  • Off-campus field trips, including overnight excursions, have been greenlit. As part of our experiential education program, we will continue and resume taking our students into both the wilderness and the outdoors where it is safe to do so

Best regards,

Brett Logan
CMA Head of School

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Academic Resources for Students and Parents

Staying Healthy in Body and Mind

Policy relating to school operation under COVID-19 measures.

A collection of useful links to resources and information from official government channels