Program FAQ

The CTTC Program FAQ:


  • The program is designed for all age levels. We have had success working with students from Kindergarten to high school.


  • CTTC is a hands on coding program that introduces students to the problem solving skills needed for computer programming.


  • The robots travel to schools in the OCM BOCES area for one month at a time or districts are able to purchase the curriculum and robots to create an in house program.


  • Each month we work with the classroom teacher and carve out 40-60 minutes a day for the students to work with the robots. If districts purchase the curriculum and robots they are able to structure the 20 lessons however they feel fit.


  • Students are being asked to think critically with no instruction on how to do so.
  • The popularity of Hour of Code initiatives and a need for a more hands on accompaniment to bring in more variables to engage the students.


  • Schools can request a month long implementation of the program with robots, curriculum and an integration specialist.
  • The month is structured around 4 different robotic platforms.
  • Students are split in to 4 groups and rotate to a different robot each week of the month.
  • Every Monday during the month a CNYRIC Instructional Technology Integration Specialist goes to the classroom and helps the students explore the robots.
  • Over the course of the week students work on daily challenges designed to allow the teacher to interact and have conversations rather than instruct.
  • Districts may also purchase the curriculum and create their own coding program based on the districts need.