Our Vision

Students who promote from Citrus Hills Intermediate, will strive to reach their full potential by being productive global citizens who are successful in their post-secondary education aspirations. Graduates will have the knowledge, skills, motivation, and resilience to thrive in their community.   Their success is evident through good character development, excellence in academics and love for learning. 

Our Mission

The mission of the Citrus Hills Intermediate School Counseling Department is to deliver a comprehensive data-driven program that ensures long range outcomes for students.  Data is used to identify and close achievement gaps in order to ensure equitable access to a quality education for all. Through academic, social-emotional and college/career instruction, we inspire students to be hopeful for their future in a culture of high expectations. The program prepares students for future successes through character development, rigorous academics, and being a positive influence. 

Contact Your Counselor

Self-Care For Students

 Counseling Google Classroom

Student Help Lines

High School Info

California Colleges

Community Resources

Parent Info

Foster Youth Info