My story

I grew up on a small sheep farm in Caton, NY, a tiny town in western New York State. For college, I attended Washington and Lee University and then completed a PhD in computational and applied mathematics. Since then, I have been fascinated at how mathematics can be used to explain scientific phenomena. In between, I worked an amazing summer in Yellowstone National Park. I have now lived in a variety of locations, including Raleigh, NC, Charlottesville, VA, Newmarket, NH, Beverly, MA, Hiawassee, GA, Hayesville, NC, and now Newport News, VA.

In my free time, I enjoy hiking and traveling with friends and family. Some of my excursions appear on the hiking/travel blog, From Canyons to Clouds (maintained by L. Storch). Here are a few such trip reports:

Delicate Arch, Arches National Park, June 2019