This page includes information to help to support your with your KS4 Options.

What's in the booklet? 

Year 9!

What an exciting time for you all as you finalise the subjects you will study for the next two years! We have a wide variety of subjects and courses on offer and the details in this booklet give an outline of the learning covered in each subject. Do be careful not to simply choose new subjects for their originality but look carefully at their suitability for you. Try to consider your whole programme rather than look at subjects in isolation. Some subjects complement one another, whereas others may be too close in content and might reduce your flexibility later in your educational/professional journey.

Finally, remember that there are many people who can help you make good decisions. Talk about your possible choices with your parents and carers. Discuss them with older students who might be well informed from having taken the subject. Be sure to seek a balance of views. Talk to your teachers, particularly your form tutor who will have an overall view of your talents. But above all, do not be anxious about these decisions. There are very few choices that will prevent you from following a future path, even if you change your mind. And finally, although it is very unusual that we will not be able to accommodate student choices, in the unlikely event this is the case then we will contact you to discuss further.


Click on the book below to enlarge.

Key Stage 4 Options Booklet 2024.pdf

Filling out the options form.

The deadline to complete your option chices is Friday 9th February. If you are unable to meet this deadline or you cannot acess the google form, you must see Ms Heron BEFORE this date.

You have four option spaces. The first is the compulsory option and the the other three are free option spaces. See page 7 in the options booklet for help with this.

Option one is your compulsory choice option (a language, humanity, triple science or computer science). If you would like to choose more than one of these options (which lots of students do) then you can also use your other three free option spaces.


 Option assemblies - More information about subjects 

Coming Soon

Parent information evening slides -  Options information for parents