Year 9 Camp News

The teacher organising this visit is Miss Cunningham.

General Information

The address of the campsite is: 

Blackland Farm

Grinstead Lane

East Grinstead

 RH19 4HP

Students are camping and are not contactable directly. In case of EMERGENCY ONLY the course director Paul Morley on 07973 373115 at any time; or Miss Cunningham (Group Leader) on 07968 752590. There is also a Trekking Company site office number on 01342 811251.

Transport is by coach to and from the venue.  This is provided by RDH Coaches. Some activities require short transfers by minibus; all seats are forward facing with seatbelts, and drivers are qualified according to the School’s policy on minibus driving.

Instruction  Instruction of hazardous activities on the course are provided by the Trekking Company. During activity sessions all matters relating to safety and instruction are dealt with by their instructors, and at all times pastoral care is provided by the school staff. This is a local company and you can be confident that the instruction is of the highest standard; we have been organising trips with the company for 26 years now and have found them to be excellent. The company is fully licensed under the Young Persons’ Safety Act for outdoor activity providers.

All instructors are fully qualified in the activity that they are directly supervising and the school holds full details of these qualifications, as well as having organised camps with the company for a number of years. The company is licensed under the Outdoor Adventure (Young Persons’ Safety) Act, registered number R0043, and the company is responsible for organising, running and managing the safety of all instructed activities. Some non-hazardous activates are let by CNCS staff.

The Group There are 150 students participating.  Students will be supervised by school staff; there may be times when students are supervised by instructional staff. There will be short periods where students are more indirectly supervised such as whilst orienteering or visiting the site tuck shop or similar. School staff attending are Miss Cunningham, Miss Gooding, Miss Stallard and more to be confirmed; there will be approx 15 school staff in total.

Camp Kit - Please see kit list below. If there are any problems with items on the list, please contact Miss Cunningham. It is advisable that the clothes are old but serviceable; expensive designer labels and fashion gear may get damaged and will certainly get wet and dirty.

First Day Procedure Students will leave school on Tuesday 18th July 9:15am. Campers may come into school out of uniform for that day. 

Meeting There will be a meeting for all students going prior to the visit, students will be notified.

Insurance Insurance is provided by the recommended school journey insurers for Brighton & Hove Educational Authority, Zurich Municipal.

Medication Any medication required by your child should be clearly labelled with name and dose. Students should hand this medication to Miss Cunningham for safe keeping whilst on camp.

It is essential that all parents/carers make the Party Leader of this visit aware of any medical needs your child might have that will require individual attention whilst on the visit. These can be either mentally, emotionally or physically that may affect your child and their time on the residential visit. This is to ensure the safety of your child whilst on this visit and so strategies can be put into place to safeguard them. It is advisable to check the insurance details and conditions with reference to your child's needs and to inform the school as soon as possible.

Return The coaches should arrive at The Upper Drive on Friday 21st July at approximately 11.30am and students will then be dismissed from school to return home. The school will be notified of any significant delay and placed on twitter @CNCSyr9camp and Evolve.


When packing please remember that the weather in July can be variable and choose equipment accordingly – it could be cold at night and rain is possible!

waterproof jacket

warm outdoor jacket

sleeping bag (pillow if required); extra blanket

sleeping mat

plenty of rough warm clothing e.g. leggings, tracksuit bottoms, jumpers, shorts

t shirts – enough for three or four changes

small amount of spending money (£5 maximum)

towel & wash kit

drink bottle/flask

torch and batteries

bin liners for rubbish plus extra for wet clothes

hat and gloves

two spare pairs of rough shoes or trainers

small ruck sack


knife, fork, spoon, plate, bowl, mug (unbreakable)

tea towel

snacks e.g. chocolate bars etc.

swimming costume

walking boots or wellington boots (optional)

hand sanitiser 

Complete change of clothing (including footwear) for canoeing – please remember that these clothes will be wet & unusable afterwards

Any Medication e.g. Inhalers To Miss Cunningham beforehand please -

named and in an envelope

Notes: STUDENTS should not bring anything of value or that could be damaged by rough wear or dirt - expensive items are unsuitable.

Please note that sweatshirts are not jumpers - you need woollen or 'fleece' jumpers


Please see the following link to the slides from the parents evening: