About Coach Sessions

A little about your gym teacher...

I grew up in the Skyway Gym while it was under the leadership of Mr. Sessions, whom I have the pleasure of calling "Dad." I learned to LOVE to Play. I grew up with an understanding of the importance of physical activity that has transpired into what is now my career at Skyway. I began in the rodeo business and although education can sometimes feel like a rodeo I made the switch for one large reason- rodeo provides entertainment, education changes lives. Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” Not that there is anything wrong with entertainment, but I’m thinking I’d rather change lives.

I am so excited to take on this year with all of you. (Students and Parents) I feel honored and humbled to be the leader of Physical Education back in the Sky Dome and am committed to making this year's experience unique, exciting and intentional. I will be an advocate for the kids and families of Skyway. As a product of the very place that I am now working to positively impact, I understand the culture and have a deep appreciation for the traditions and the community. I will maintain and develop initiatives that promote a positive culture within Skyway. My hope is that we can gather on the common ground that we love this community and want what is best for the students. I will work hard to creatively make Skyway traditions happen whether that's aerobics, Snowball USA, or the Sky is the Limit Marathon. Although we will have to be patient and creative in how we do these, I look forward to doing them, as well as, creating new traditions and memories.

As quoted above, the chance to do work worth doing is a prize- something that is right. It’s difficult for me to ignore the call to do what I believe is right, because somewhere in the recesses of my mind from some former time I hear a voice saying,

“We are Skyway, Do What’s Right.”