
Students, Not Robots | Ethan Aliotta, Dang Tran, & Nina Esquerdo

South Meck Media writers released their annual mental health survey of students at South Meck. Out of around 200 responses, most students (41%) spent an average of 1-2 hours on homework each night. An astonishing number of students (55%) reported symptoms of anxiety, while a combination of 65% felt symptoms of depression or insomnia. You can still take the survey here.

The 2018-2019 South Meck graduation is coming up soon, and there are some answers from Ms. Thompson that are sure to cover the basics. Still sweating the details? You can always email her (or shoo your parents towards the computer) at

President Malik Hart Interview | Mary Grace Woelfel

Mary Grace Woelfel, a student at South Meck, recently interviewed student body president Malik Hart on the upcoming elections. He explains the purpose of this election and having student government to represent the students as a whole. The student government partakes in event planning, discussions and debates, speaking up for students, and speaking with the administration on important issues. Malik explains that he enjoys being in student government because he likes to speak for students who don’t have a voice.

If You're Reading This, It's Too Late | Elizabeth Viltre Ferro, Mary Grace Woelfel, Kaylan Shadoan, & Chelsea Austin

Today’s youth is obsessed with technology. They love watching videos on YouTube, scrolling through social media, or playing video games. No one has time for reading anymore. Not only that, but no one has the motivation or focus to do so. Why read a book when the movie will just come out? But teenagers are missing out on escaping to different worlds and finding a book that really speaks to your soul. Reading is a wonderful thing that is incorporated in everything, not necessarily a book. If youth were to be motivated to read, they would enjoy the large collection of literature offered today. And just maybe the books you’re forced to read for school won’t be that awful.

Shelf Awareness | Sabre Voice Staff

Many students aren’t aware that our very own Sabre Library has more to offer than just books. Hopefully Library month helps fix this issue, but in case you weren’t aware the library offers programs, digital breakouts, spheros (to learn coding), printing, table top games, a place to hang out during lunch, and of course books. For programs we have One Access, which gives us access to many resources like Hoopla where you can download music and videos for free. have free access to tutors to help them with courses they struggle with. Destiny Discover allows students the ability to check out books online. Along with many other wonderful sources. Be sure to go to the library and check everything out.

Carpe DM | Mary Grace Woelfel

Did you know South Meck had its very own Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) club? It's a lot of fun and is a great way to meet new friends and have a great time in an epic fantasy landscape. For more information about South Meck's D&D club, you can check out the article!

Is That What You're Wearing? | Elizabeth Viltre Ferro, Chelsea Austin, Sarah Eastman, Kaylan Shadoan

Some of our Sabre Voice team started wondering if actual high school students dress like high schoolers are perceived to dress in shows or movies. They interviewed students and staff to find the truth and to learn about new clothing trends. They asked people how they would describe their style, if their style changes frequently, how does where you’re going affect your style, what is fashion, what fashion means to them, and if style matters. They found out that most of our students choose things that are comfortable, while some like to dress up and feel presentable. It just proves that how most tv shows depict high schoolers are inaccurate. Shows make it seem like peoples clothing choices go along with what groups they belong in when really people in different groups dress in a blend of styles.

Good Meal or Bad Deal? | Peydin Pennick, Maya Jaworsky, and Dang Tran

South Meck serves breakfast and lunch and it’s what most of our student body eats. We were interested in the planning that goes into the meals, what makes certain foods regulated, and how students feel about the school food. We decided to interview the student body on how they felt about the food that is served at South. Then we interviewed the head cafeteria manager to have our questions answered.

Transition Time: Is it Enough? | Nina Esquerdo, Dang Tran, & Ethan Aliotta

“We get around 6 minutes between classes to transition to our next. But we have to answer one question: is that enough time?” This article sheds light on the problems of our transition times. Students and teachers answer questions and share their opinions on the transition time, and what can be done for those who frequently find themselves late. This is a great read for those interested in South’s controversies.

Fast Fashion | Elizabeth Viltre Ferro

Fast fashion is a growing problem in today’s age. “Fast fashion is a relatively new concept to us so many of us may think the effects don't matter right now, but they do. Fast fashion is cheap, trendy clothing, inspired by the year's catwalk or celebrity culture that then turns into garments in high street stores at an extremely fast speed.” It has affected many things across the world. From pollution to workers, fast fashion is something we should work together to stop. Fast fashion is giving us low price, but poor quality clothing. This is hurting us, the buyers, and the workers across the world.

51 Tips for Surviving Finals | Sarah Eastman, Nina Esquerdo, Hadley Shields

“We here at the Sabre Voice want to share some great study and preparation tips for you and your friends to utilize so that you do your absolute best on your finals. From getting good sleep to eating good food, these tips will be sure to make you feel ready for your finals!” Finals are coming up this Friday! Are you prepared? Do you know the dates? Find out some great study tips and tricks for surviving your finals!

Oh South Has Grown | Sabre Voice Staff

As this 2018-2019 school year is coming to an end, we here at the Sabre Voice want to look back and remember the good times that this wonderful school year brought us. You can click here to see all the articles the Sabre Voice has covered this school year. You can also click here to see everything SMTV covered. From sports to academics to student news, we have all the highlights and interesting stories from this school year in one place.