Earth Science


Welcome back to school!

All of our lessons will be on Canvas as per the directions from CMS. This semester we will have live lessons and learning opportunities to work on together each school day.

If you're not sure how to login to Canvas, you only need to login to NCEdCloud. Just watch the video below if you want more directions.

If you have any questions for me, please email me at

Wash your hands, and stay healthy everyone!


Are you the parent/ guardian of an earth science student?

Become an observer in Canvas so you can also see what we're learning about, and stay informed of what's going on in class.

If you have any questions for Mr. Shimko, feel free to send him an email at


Updated Tuesday 3/31

All of our lessons will be on Canvas as per the directions from CMS. There will be a few small assignments to do each week.

If you're not sure how to login to Canvas, you only need to login to NCEdCloud. Just watch the video below if you want more directions.

If you have any questions for me, please email me at You can also use the discussion feature in Canvas once you login there.

Wash your hands, and stay healthy everyone!



Updated Monday 3/23

While we find out what the directions for us are from CMS and NCDPI, I'll put updates here that apply specifically to our class.

The quarter ends this Thursday (March 26th), so make sure you complete any missing work and turn it in.

If we switch entirely to digital learning because we can't return to school in a couple of weeks, I'll give you the directions for what to do here. Digital learning will take place in Canvas, and make-up work is below. You can currently find supplemental work and make-up work in Canvas.

If you have any questions for me, please email me at

Wash your hands, and stay healthy everyone!


Make-up work and Requiz codes- these must be completed by midnight on Thursday March 26th

Geosphere test remediation- you only need to complete one of these:

Erosion Control and Solutions Google Form link:

Human Impact on Soil quizizz- code is 985321

Soil Exit Ticket on Socrative- code is 336487

Geotourism project- directions can be found on this website, complete and share it/ email it to

Online Textbook Chapter 7- directions can be found below this post

Weathering and Erosion Socrative Quiz- take this on quizizz, code is 392834

Earthquakes and Volcanoes Socrative Quiz, take this on quizizz, code is 853527

Astronomy Test Remediation- you only need to complete one of these:

Astronomy Review Book- directions can be found on this website, take a picture of each page and email it to me at

Astronomy Review Quiz, take on quizizz, code is 122356

Big Bang Quizizz, game code is 860540

Earth Motions Quizizz, game code is 632101

If you have any paper assignments to turn in, take a picture of your completed work and email it to

Online Textbook Directions

1. On your Chromebook, login and go to (you'll need to click login with NCEdCloud or with Google)

2.Click Canvas, then Click on Earth and Environmental Science

3.Click Modules (on the left), Click on Online Textbook- ConnectEd (should be the first module), then click Online Textbook (McGraw Hill)

4. Once that page loads, click the button that says "Load Online Textbook McGraw Hill in a new window"

•Pop up blocker might stop this, you need to click “always allow…” from the pop up blocker, then reload the home screen

5. Click on the textbook or the button that says “Launch”

6. On the right hand side there is a box that says "Lesson Resources." Click on the blue box labelled LS (Learn Smart).

  • If there is no blue LS box, then click anywhere in the box to load the resources. Once that loads, there should be 3 tabs towards the top of the page, if you click keyword search you should be able to click on LearnSmart or search for it.

7. Click on the blue Learn Smart box, this should open up a new window.

8. Click on your class period's name.

•If it asks for a name, just click cancel since you're already logged in. You might have to click through the tutorial before you start.

9. Whatever chapters we’re working on will show on the screen. So far we're only working on Chapter 7.

10. Click on the assigned chapter, then click on “Practice” in the bottom left and answer the questions.

  • Hint: If you don't know the answer, click on the "Read about this" button and it will highlight the part of the textbook where the answer can be found.

If you have any questions about the online textbook, let Mr. Shimko know by sending an email to, or by sending a message through the chat function in Canvas.

Materials from earlier class days:

3/12 What is Weather Article

Use the article below to answer the questions (they're all in order). Turn your paper in before you leave.

If you finish early, finish any missing work (like test corrections and remediation).

Predicting Weather with fronts article w Qs.pdf

Geosphere Study Guide

Geosphere Review Sheet.docx

3/6 Agriculture, Soil Degradation and Erosion Prevention

1) Use the document below to fill in your note sheet.

2) Use your notes and show what you've learned by choosing the best solution to prevent erosion for each scenario at this link:

3) Go to and take the quiz to show what you've learned. Game code is 573537

4) Complete any other missing work

Document to fill in your note sheet:

Soil Degredation and Erosion Control to post.pdf

Note sheet to fill in:

Soil Degradation and Erosion Control Student Paper.pdf

Geotourism Project

Use the directions to complete your Geotourism project.

Geological Structures Tourism Project S20.pdf

2/27 Why Plate Tectonics Happens- A story of the Earth

Use the document below to help you fill in your paper. You'll also need to go to the different stations around the room as the document suggests.

Why PT happens and Rock Cycle to post.pdf

2/18 Earthquakes

Use the document below to fill in your note sheet.

Earthquakes for website.pdf

2/17 Volcano Introduction

Use the links below to help you complete each section of your paper.

Part I) you'll probably have to click "allow" or "run" or check the pop-up blocker to get adobe flash to work.

Part II) in the document below

What do volcanoes release.pdf

Part III)

Part IV)

Part V)

Part VI)

Part VII) Answer the questions based on what you've learned, and search the internet for more resources if you need help.

Astronomy Test Remediation

Click the link for the remediation assignment you need to complete:

Astronomy Book Directions:

Use the directions and the links in the document below this to help you produce an astronomy review book.

Astronomy Book Directions S20.pdf

Sun Paper Notes:

Use the information below to help you fill in your Sun paper

The Sun and its impact- hanging stations.pptx

2/4 Formation of the Universe- theory and evidence

Use the PDF to help you complete the chart. Don't forget to take the quiz about this information before you leave class.

Formation of the Universe and Proof to post.pdf

2/3 Seasons Lab

Seasons Lab Day.pdf

Materials from previous semester: