Señor Smith


Hello! I am Mr. Ross Smith. During the 2022-2023 school year, I will be teaching Honors Spanish IV and Honors Spanish Civilization and Culture, levels 1 and 2. In the spring semester, I will also have a section of Spanish 2. In all of these courses, students will develop proficiency in the Spanish language through speaking, reading, writing, and listening tasks. We will compare Spanish-speaking cultures with students’ home cultures.

This year, all lessons, notes, and assignments will be housed in Canvas, the common learning platform for the district. If you have questions regarding how to access Canvas as a parent, please contact me.

In terms of supplies, for all courses, students will need a computer—such as a district-issued chrome book, headphones that are compatible with that device, something to write with, and paper—either a notebook or loose-leaf paper in a binder. The rest of our materials will be available digitally via Canvas and/or printed at school.

I will use proficiency-based rubrics that are common across the district to assess student work and provide feedback. Students will also receive timely feedback on test-style questions. All feedback will be available in Canvas.

I will offer tutoring/office hours every Tuesday, from 2:30-3:30 p.m. If a student is not present by 2:45 for tutoring on Tuesdays, then there is no guarantee that I will be available.

The best way to keep in touch with me is via email: I will respond to email during my working hours, Monday through Friday.

I look forward to a great year with your student in class!