
What is TSA?

Established in 1978, Technology Student Association is a nation-wide, student-led organization with over 250,000 members from schools around the country. The mission of the organization is to prepare students for technical careers in the STEM fields and help them explore the opportunities available to them.

By joining TSA, you can become a leader on the school, state, or even national level as a TSA officer. You also get the chance to travel and participate in a variety of events. Competitions are held on the regional, state, and national level, giving you the opportunity to experience new places, meet new people, and showcase your skills.


TSA is not only for those interested in engineering or technology. Competitions are offered in a variety of fields, so there is always something for everybody to take part in. Develop skills or learn more about:

  • Architecture

  • Desktop Publishing

  • Fashion Design

  • Graphics Design

  • Manufacturing

  • Photography

  • Robotics​

  • Website Design

  • Construction

  • Film/Video Production

  • Music Production

  • Problem Solving

  • Video Game Design

  • And much more!

TSA at Providence High School

Technology Student Association at Providence High School was founded in 2015. Our team has consistently performed well during competitions, earning many awards at both the regional and state level.​​ Last year, we had several students participate at the regional, state, and national level and had several place at each competition.