High School
Welcome to the NWSA High School Choral Department! This year is going to be an exciting one for the department. I look forward to getting to know each of our new students and families as well as our returning students.
The choral department will be quite busy this year with quarterly concerts as well as NC Honors Chorus, CMS Honors Chorus, MPA Festival, NC Western Regional Chorus, All-Carolinas Select Choirs, Mars Hill Choral Festival, and the Music Department Masterwork Performance. Your students will have various opportunities throughout the year for a chance to participate in these prestigious ensembles.
I appreciate your support of the choral program and ask that you encourage your child in his/her musical educational pursuits. NWSA expects only the best from our students, so we hold them to high standards.
I look forward to getting to know you and am very grateful to be a part of the music in your child’s life.
Aaron F. Lafreniere