Welcome to Ms. K.Jones Intro to Adobe!!! 

Course Description

This project-This project-based course introduces the creative and technical skills in the Graphic and Design Career pathway using Adobe software. This course is designed to be a foundation that will prepare students for classes aligned to five Adobe certifications. English language arts and literacy are reinforced. Apprenticeship and cooperative education are possible for this course. SkillsUSA competitive events, community service, and leadership activities provide the opportunity to apply essential standards and workplace readiness skills through authentic experiences based course introduces the creative and technical skills in the Graphic and Design Career pathway using Adobe software. This course is designed to be a foundation that will prepare students for classes aligned to five Adobe certifications. English language arts and literacy are reinforced. Apprenticeship and cooperative education are possible for this course. SkillsUSA competitive events, community service, and leadership activities provide the opportunity to apply essential standards and workplace readiness skills through authentic experiences 

Adobe Dreamweave

Adobe Photoshop 

Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe Illustrator