
About me

¡Hola! My name is Señorita Acosta and I am going to be your child’s Spanish teacher at Ridge Road Middle School this year. I was born in the Dominican Republic and grew up in Brooklyn, New York. I moved to North Carolina for college and have loved it ever since! This will be my fifth year teaching and my first year at Ridge Road. I love reading and taking long walks with my dog Coalie. I am so excited to get to know you all this year!

I graduated from Wake Forest University in 2014 where I majored in Education and minored in Spanish and English. I graduated from Gardner Webb University in 2017 with a Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction. I am beginning my Doctorate at UNCC this Fall 2018.

Email: Phone Number: (980) 344-3410Room Number: 506

6th grade

Unit 1 - My Day at School

I can politely express a variety of greetings, farewells, and basic personal information using appropriate gestures. I can talk about what I do and learn about in my classroom

7th grade

Unit 1 - It's All About Me

I can give basic personal information about myself and others including my name, birthday, age, physical characteristics and address. I can understand, talk, and write about families in other cultures and my own.I can understand, talk, and write about thinks I like and don’t like and understand what others from other cultures or communities like or don’t like.

8th grade

Unit 3 - Chillin'

I can understand, talk, and write about what I and others are going to do in our free time in other cultures and my own. I can understand, talk, and write about what I and others do in our free time in other cultures and my own.