Entrepreneurship I

W E L C O M E   to Entrepreneurship I

“Expectation of Excellence”




Essential Standards and Objectives


Understand Entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial discoveries, the entrepreneurial mindset, and business ethics.


Understand Design thinking, Lean Canvas Business Model, and feasibility of ideas.


Understand Marketing strategies, unique value proposition, customer segments.


Understand Channels of distribution and cost structure.


Understand Pricing, revenue streams, and key metrics.


Course Description:

The course objective of Entrepreneurship I is to provide students with essential knowledge to prepare them for opening a small business that they are passionate about or that addresses a need in their community. Through design thinking, students will be asked to consider a business idea they will use throughout the course.


This is a Project-Driven course with rubrics attached for each project.  As proof of learning for this course, students will be required to create a written Lean Canvas Business Model (LCBM) for a business idea of their choice and present/pitch the idea in a formal presentation at the end of the course.  Student proof of learning (POL) will be demonstrated through a performance-based measurement (PBM).  The course is structured around the Lean Canvas Business Model (LCBM), which covers the following key components: Problem, Customer Segments, Unique Value/Selling Proposition, Solution, Channels, Key Metrics, Revenue Streams, Cost Structure, and Competitive Advantage.


While being exposed to the components through curriculum content, students will receive continuous feedback from their teacher and will further develop their business idea through iterating multiple times. It is important for students to make changes based on teacher and peer feedback.  Throughout this project, students and teachers will work together to intentionally develop soft skills-project management, research and analysis, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking and communication skills. Students will also be expected to consider ethical implications of their business idea.



Students will complete the Lean Canvas Business Model (LCBM) document for their business idea and pitch it at the end of the course. These two deliverables will become the PBM Performance-Based Measurement in which students will demonstrate proof of learning of the concepts covered.  A final grade will be determined by the following breakdown: Written LCBM (40%) and Oral Presentation/Pitch of business idea (60%).



~ Bring Your Positive Energy ~


Grading Policy

PREPARE 20% (Homework, warm-ups, exit tickets)

REHEARSE 30% (Quizzes, labs, mini-assessments, mini-projects, classwork)

PERFORMANCE 50% (Unit assessments, common assessments, performance tasks, writing assignments, projects with rubrics, labs, speeches)

PBM – Performance Based Measurement (Final Exam)

 A – 90-100

B – 80-89

C – 70-79

D – 60-69

F –   0-59


Materials Needed for Class


GOAL:  Overall Expectation 85% Proficiency on all Assessments



Ms. Nelson’s Classroom Rules and Expectations


Behavior for Entering the Class:

           All students are to enter the classroom on time and ready for class to begin.  Students are not REQUIRED to wear their MASK, however it is recommended at this time.  Students must use hand sanitizer upon entering the classroom.  Students should place their cell phones in designated area or in their book bags or purses immediately upon entering the classroom.


Behavior during Lecture, Classroom Instruction, and Guest Speakers:


Format for Turning in Completed Work (Paper or Electronic):

           All documents being submitted for a grade must be formatted with a header and submitted to the assignment according to the instructions.  The header must include your name, date and class period.  Place the header in the upper right corner of the document.  (Double click in the top margin to activate the header feature).


**Note:  Students please review this Syllabus with your parents.  An email from your parent/guardian 

stating they reviewed this document with you, will earn you BONUS POINTS!!!