Links for parents

TRANSPORTATION CHANGE: If you have a change during the day, please use this link or call the office as I may not see an email.


TO VOLUNTEER (for field trips, working in media center, etc) Must do EVERY YEAR:

***School Supply List 2021-2022:

***Parent Information- from Mrs. Phelan***

***2021-2022 Student Code of Conduct***

***2021-2022 Student Handbook:


Sharon Families,

We will be using a grading and attendance system this year, called Powerschool. The Powerschool Parent Portal Helpline is 980-343-9420. I will not have access to your logins. If you have any questions, you can contact Mrs. Beverlee Withers in the main office.

Link to power school:

Parent Portal Account Set-Up:

Parent Portal Overview:

dress code

We appreciate your help to have children follow our dress code to ensure that they are properly dressed for school. Our dress code is listed below.

  • Sleeveless shirts should have thick straps that are at least the width of two fingers and cover their undergarments. Spaghetti straps and tie straps on tops and dresses are only allowed if the students are wearing a t-shirt underneath.

  • Shorts should be fingertip length. Students sit on the floor for many activities, so long shorts (two inches above the knee or at the knee) are the most appropriate. Please make sure that the side panels of the athletic shorts are also fingertip length. Teachers will contact you if your child's shorts are too short for classroom activities.

  • The length of skirts and dresses should follow the same guidelines as shorts. Students should wear the length of the garments closer to their knees if they do not wear leggings underneath.

  • Students should wear shoes that cover their toes (athletic shoes/tennis shoes) on days when their classes have PE or Health & Fitness sessions.

  • Flip flops are not safe shoes for school. Please have students wear shoes with ankle straps or shoes that cover the tops of their feet to help keep their feet protected during recess and classroom activities. Athletic shoes/tennis shoes with socks are the safest footwear for students.

  • Young children may need a change of clothing throughout the school day due to spills and accidents. Please place a change of clothing in your child's backpack in the event that they need clean clothing articles during the school day. Our emergency clothing closet may not have their correct sizes. Plus, having the extra clothing in their backpacks will allow the children to quickly change their clothes and return to their classrooms for instruction.

  • Hats and hoods are not to be worn in the building, unless we have a Hat Day.

  • Remind children to bring coats during the winter months. Teachers take the children outside for recess on cold days, so coats are essential protective clothing for recess in cold weather.

Please write your child's name on all of their personal items (backpacks, lunchboxes, sweatshirts/jackets, winter coats, gloves, and hats).


I always try to give time to work on homework, but there will be somedays that we do not have time. Students will have math homework nightly, unless we have a test. Please have students read nightly as well.



Beginning of Year/Fall:

Math- properties of multiplication and division (2-5's and 10's), place value and problem-solving using measurement

Literacy- EL curriculum- Overcoming learning challenges near and far

Science- the scientific method, Earth, sun, and stars

Social Studies- Diverse cultures in the community, Earth's patterns,


Math- multiplication, and division (0's, 1's, 6-9's), multiples of 10, area

Literacy- EL curriculum- Adaptations and the wide world of frogs

Science- the human body, landforms, matter, forces and, motion

Social Studies- Market Economy. History and communities

Spring/End of Year:

Math- fractions as numbers on a number line, collecting and displaying data, geometry, and measurement word problems

Literacy- EL curriculum- Water around the world

Science-plants and soil, energy and light

Social Studies- folktales and tall tales, Entrepreneurship, Government and Citizenship

Grading policy

The grading scale for third grade is as follows:

90-100= A

80-89= B

70-79= C

60-69= D

60 and below= F

Please view the document below to read about the NEW CMS Grading Policy!

*Click the arrow in the box in the right of the document to make it full screen*

2021-22 CMS Grading Plan--Parent Resource.pdf