Mrs. Debora Carter


I trust you will find this page to be useful and informative as we progress through the school year. Students, please remember the importance of completing your reading homework each day.

Family members, please ensure that your child completes their homework assignments each day. Please check this page often for school and class news.

Contact Information

If you would like to contact me, please feel free to send me a message on Parent Square, email, or you may call the school and leave a message.

Lawrence Orr Elementary: (980)343-9919 Email:

Parent Square App

CMS uses Parent Square to communicate easily with you. It is easy to use and is a quick way to communicate important information. If you have not signed up, please email me. I will then send you the information to join our class.


  • Students are expected to be prepared for the beginning of class by the first bell each day. Attendance is crucial to academic success!

  • Students are expected to know the class routines and procedures and to follow the routines and procedures each day.

  • Students are expected to be good citizens by showing respect for themselves and others. My goal is to build leadership skills in each student to prepare them for the future.

  • Students are expected to bring their agendas and completed homework with them to school each day.

  • Students are expected to have their homework assignments written in the correct calendar space for each evening within their agendas. Assignments should be completed each evening.

  • Parents are expected to ensure that their students complete these assignments. Please know that your child has reading homework EVERY day. Reading 30 minutes each evening is required. The only way to become a better reader is to READ.

  • Agendas are a great place for you and me to communicate!

  • Completing work is essential. It is important that students work at an appropriate pace.

  • Third graders are expected to conduct two Student Led conferences with their parent/guardian during the school year. Parents/guardians are expected to attend these conferences with their child.

**Student led conferences empower our young learners to take responsibility for their learning. These conferences provide the opportunity for students to see their parents and teachers are there to support them.

Red Folders

Red Folders are sent home each day. My homeroom students keep their daily homework in these folders. Please check this folder daily for correspondence from school and returned classwork.

  • In these Red Folders, there is one side labeled "Return to School" and one side labeled "Keep at Home."

  • Inside you will find your child's graded work and/or important information sheets from the school.

  • Return any work that requires your signature.

  • Progress Reports are sent home once per quarter. Feel free to contact me through email or Class Dojo with particular questions about the progress of your child.