Mrs. ANthony

Hello everyone! My name is Mrs. Anthony and I am a fifth grade teacher here at Reedy Creek Elementary School. I am so grateful to have, what I believe is, the best job in the world. I have had the honor of teaching scholars from grades fifth through eighth from diverse backgrounds. I graduated from Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia. I began teaching reading in Rowan Salisbury Schools in July of 2000. The following year, I moved to Charlotte and joined Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools. For seventeen years, I taught reading and social studies to 6th-8th grade students. During my tenure in middle school, I earned National Board certification in 2006 and recertification in 2016. After so many wonderful years in middle school, I felt I could use my knowledge and experience to help prepare elementary level students for middle school. This is my twenty-third year of teaching and I am ready to do what I love to do, teach!