MGD Beginner's Day
Town Hall Meeting:
Wednesday May 5th at 11:00
Thursday, May 6th at 5:00
Welcome all new MGD Families! We can't wait to meet you and hope that you will be able to attend our Town Hall. The recorded session as well as the Virtual Tour is included below.
Please note that registration forms are available online for incoming Kindergarten students in the Families section on the CMS website at Select enroll in CMS, then the Get Started tab. Parents should download and review the required documentation before starting this process. Once completed, you can drop off your enrollment documents at Marie G. Davis Monday-Friday from 10-2 or email them to If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Wallace at 980-343-0006. If you have friends, neighbors or family members who live in the Marie G. Davis home school area, please share this information with them. Remember, all students must be five on or before August 31, 2021.
Registration Requirements:
*Birth Certificate
*Proof of Residency
*Immunization/Shot Records
*North Carolina Health Assessment Form
All information must be completed within 30 days of registration. If required forms are not completed/returned within 30 days of registration, students will be unable to return to school until all required forms are complete. Thank you!
Virtual Tour of MGD! Come on In!!
Session 1: May 5th Recorded Video