5th Grade

Welcome back to the 2020-2021 School Year

Although we are starting virtual, we are still here for you all the same! This year we will only be using canvas, and we want you PARENTS and GUARDIANS to be trained so you are able to help your child learn from home as best as possible.

CMS is offering some upcoming training's for you for Canvas Parent Access-register at the link below for the date that is most convenient for you!


August 14th 12-1pm

Parents if you and your child are struggling to login to their CMS chromebook, please refer to our McAlpine Homepage that has a tab on the left side called Chromebook and other login information

If you are looking for Canvas tips for students, CMS has provided this website to help you!

Here is a video that helps you login to Canvas

2020 20201 Room Parent Info.pdf