Ms. Summerlin's Information

Look below if you need class codes for

Google Classroom, Readworks, ELL BrainPop or Imagine Learning.

If you need to contact me you can use Google Classroom, Class Dojo, Talking points or email.

1st grade Group 1( M&T): 4bwjvqh

1st grade Group 2 (W&Th): xgrtjd6

2nd grade Group 1(M&T): ais2hca

2nd grade Group 2 (W&Th): 3n6d5ky

3rd grade Group 1 (M&T): bwqt2ri

3rd grade Group 2 (W&TH): gt4vbva

4th grade Group 1: 6kshaj7

5th grade Group 1: kkutw7t

5th grade Group 2: f2pmiys

Username: Student ID number

Password: 1234

Site Code: 3702970

Username: Student ID number

Password: Cmsx20?? (graduation year)


Kindergarten: suit3943

1st grade: soccer1451

2nd grade: word7690

3rd grade: order7477

4th grade: yield3822

5th grade: virus8202

Imagine Learning Login video.webm

Click on the video for log in instructions for Imagine Learning. English version

(Spanish) Imagine Learning Login.MOV

Click on video for log in instructions for Imagine Learning. Spanish version