Coats for Kids

JM Alexander is participating in the annual Steve's Coats for Kids Drive sponsored by WSOC.

We will be collecting coats from Monday, December 11th to Monday, December 18th.

All students, teachers and families are invited to donate new or gently used coats of all sizes.  Students should drop off coats in their designated collection location:

6th Grade

Ms. Griffin's ELA students - drop off coats in Ms. Aguila's room

Mr. Patton's ELA students - drop off coats in Mr. Turner's room

Ms. Plexico's ELA students - drop off coats in Mr. Daseler's room

7th Grade

Ms. Bernstein's ELA students - drop off coats in Ms. Gilmore's room

Ms. Southerland's ELA students - drop off coats in Ms. Minton's room

Ms. Richardson's ELA students - drop off coats in Ms. Cesar's room

8th Grade

Mr. Hepburn's ELA students - drop off coats in Ms. Dawson's room

Mr. Bledsoe's ELA students - drop off coats in Mr. Bledsoe's room

There will also be a collection box in the main office. We will be dropping off the coats we've collected on Wednesday, December 20th.

6th & 7th graders, after you drop off your donation, make sure to submit a service reflection!