
Testimonials From Past Students

  • "If you come to class with a positive attitude, this will be one of the best learning experiences you will ever have!"
  • "Ms. Brown has so much energy and she cares about you as a person, not just as a student."

Tips for Studying

I will provide you with study materials such as practice quizzes, quizlets, trivia games on Remind, and study games. Be sure to practice at home to prepare for exams.

Review warm-up questions each week to prepare for quizzes. Have a parent, sibling or friend quiz you using your warm-up questions.

Articles and videos will be posted on Google Classroom throughout the semester. Stay abreast on industry trends to held you understand and apply our content to the real world!


Ms. Brown is available for tutoring every Monday and Thursday after school. Students must make an appointment with the teacher and discuss a plan/goal for the tutoring session. You must arrive in the classroom by 2:25. Tutoring sessions are up to 1 hour.

Supports Available

Tutoring is available by appointment two days per week (explained above).

Textbooks are available for students to take home at any time for additional readings and vocabulary review.

Quizlet flashcards and other online resources will be made available on Google Classroom.

Student Services Department are available to offer additional support.

Grading, Missed Assignments, Retests

My goal as a teacher is for all students to learn and successfully complete the course. Make-up work, make-up tests, and retesting are all available. These options and all other grading shall be aligned with the CMS & Independence grading policies. The policies can be reviewed here:

Scheduling Conferences

A parent can email me and/or the student's counselor to request a conference with the teacher, student and parent.